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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. Haha. That would be a cicerone, and based on the descriptions he uses on his Untappd reviews, that honor would go to Scraff! I’m just a beer snob.
  2. I’m incredibly jealous. Like way, way jealous.
  3. I’m really surprised the mid-November sun angle didn’t vaporize this snow, particularly given the warmth leading into today. They have to account for Stephens City on the low end.
  4. Not looking likely for those of us in eastern/central Fairfax County. We’ll see what happens north of us.
  5. Looks like that huge blob of yellows is reflecting sleet. It was fun while it lasted!
  6. I’m truly amazed at how the column hasn’t given in completely yet. Wash time the heavier returns hit DC, it flips back to snow. What a fascinating and amazing event...particularly because of the time of year!
  7. I find myself getting irritated by these posts that show mixing nearby. Please take no offense, midatlantic, but these images are so Deb.
  8. I’m going to say this a lot this winter: There are a lot of people who only post in winter and most of us don’t know where they’re/you’re posting from. Locations don’t show up on mobile, so it would be helpful if you say where “here” is when posting obs, even if only sporadically.
  9. That band was over DC this morning. Just because it’s in northern/central Maryland now doesn’t mean it has set up there.
  10. And a huge win, it is. Mulch and sand around the Mall had started to turn white at around 6:45, and by the time I got to my office it was pelting alert and mostly snow. Looks like it’s ripping snow out there now!
  11. If it’s snowing in DC when I get there, I’ll consider the walk to work in the flakes to be a huge win.
  12. I think adults should get off from work while the kids go to school, so my heart goes out to you. And to me.
  13. Every time. Every. Single. Time.
  14. I see one that I’m not at all surprised about.
  15. I know about Stephens City. It’s a sh*thole.
  16. I hate all the school systems around here for their inability to make reasoned decisions to close school because of weather. Except...
  17. Mostly sleet changed to mostly snow while on the VRE platform in Burke at 6:05 am. Temp went from 34 to 33 with DPs looking like the mid 20s.
  18. That beer is so bad. Tastes like its namesake smells.
  19. Never understood the idea of makeup days. Just be smart about the days you close and deal with it. 36. Not sure about dewpoint.
  20. Aren’t they really used to ice and snow? Hold the door...I’ll let myself out.
  21. Yup. It’s awash in chocolate, and the barrel cuts the malty sweetness you’d expect from such a thick beer. I bought five cans, but have crushed two already. I may need to pick up a couple more. I have a feeling we’ll be enjoying a lot of beverages as model runs turn into nowcasting this winter...
  22. Me too. Just because. See watcher’s post above.
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