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Everything posted by tiger_deF

  1. Yup for the past 3-4 runs it's been steadily trending NW with an earlier turn at that
  2. Maybe a good EURO run will help everyone out of their misery
  3. Has there been a positive trend right before a storm hits this entire year?
  4. Even 3 days out the Euro and GFS have huge differences, Euro all the way in MA and GFS out to sea
  5. Currently unable to access the WV loops so how are we looking?
  6. Even at this late stage I still feel there is a large bust potential in either direction
  7. We will have to see if the Euro also adjusts southeast or sticks to it's guns/trends north
  8. Not sure if I'm liking the flatter look, hopefully we keep the a happy medium between the GFS and Euro and have a bit of a recurve for that extra weenie inch
  9. Gotta say the models are showing a pretty huge amount of uncertainty this far out. Some is always expected especially with the consistent trending of the season, but in the past 24 hours we've had a huuge swing for this storm from a small scraper into a decent thump and the Monday storm is all over the place.
  10. Interesting, is that a shift south or north?
  11. Not sure if regular users can make storm threads but I just made one
  12. Despite a closer snow event this is less than 4 days away so discuss away!
  13. Not quite on topic but since we have no discussion thread how's the euro looking for Monday's event?
  14. In Lewiston Maine we've gotten about 1/4" of fine dust, it's been flurrying for a few hours here now. 9 degrees and dropping fast
  15. Newest full HRRR shows the sleet line penetrating deep into central new England, large warm shift
  16. This reminds me of the powerful rain/windstorm last winter that was entirely rain for almost all of SE MA but interior NE and Maine got socked with feet of snow. It was a total bust for Boston
  17. More and more models appear to be hinting at a minor turn as the storm enters the gulf of maine, the turn happens pretty decently offshore so it hasn't impacted precipitate totals yet but I think it's definitely something to look out for in future model runs.
  18. So are the models trending less or more amped overall? Or is it just noise
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