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Posts posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. 14 minutes ago, ineedsnow said:

    I highly doubt the Mid Atlantic sees anything else but who knows

    Are we here in interior CT still in the game for some snow chances? It seems the pattern may favor something coming up in the next week or 2 ( and I know its a stretch with where we are in the time of year ). 

  2. 21 minutes ago, MJO812 said:

    Euro has been atrocious. Worst model this winter.

    Says who LOL. It's been better than the GFS and the GFS has been horrendous with fantasy snowstorms every single week for 10 days out and they never came to fruition. The Euro has been more consistent in the sense of not showing that same thing. So I respectfully disagree with you on that statement. Just looking at the facts

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  3. 7 hours ago, Hailstoned said:

    Peepers in full throat tonight, a good 2-3 weeks early.

    Not sure where you are, but, here in Plainville CT...the peepers were out last night. Not all...but plenty singing their mating calls.

  4. 3 hours ago, ineedsnow said:

    Definitely  a legit shot at snow a week from now.. Euro is close. Ukie would be snow if it went out 6 more hours to get precip in here.. The CMC. Icon. Hmmm

    Not sure what your referring to? Next Friday? Nothing mentioned for then? I know it's gonna get cold next Sunday though.

  5. 1 hour ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Hard to believe the posts today lol. Good luck and I hope it works out 

    Hard to believe your still posting. I thought you gave up winter in the beginning of February. You have no power here.... Lol

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  6. Although it's very disappointing that the winter ended the way it did in Southern New England, these Winters do happen and it has been a long time since it's been this bad. So we were due. Let's just look at it as we got it out of the way and things are looking up for next year. It can't get much worse LOL I'm ready for spring and summer. I'm truly done and over with this winter.

    • Weenie 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, Ogmios said:

    Getting close to March the Winter that was Not thread, should be an interesting period of the transition to full on Spring.

    Yes. I to have succumbed to Winter being over. I look at it this way. We are more likely to have a better winter, and are even closer to our next blizzard next year!! 

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  8. 29 minutes ago, MJO812 said:


    I wouldn't say it's an inland Runner. It's running up and just over Southeastern Connecticut into Southeastern Mass. But isn't that better than it was showing yesterday where was it even further? Damn, can't take all you negative Nellies. Lol

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  9. 1 minute ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    Feb 90 analog

    record AO

    Well, let's hope that this is an every 30 year type of thing. I am definitely one of the snow lovers. But, I have to come to this season just being what it is. If we get a surprise in March, I will be happy. If not, I'm okay with that, too.

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  10. 1 hour ago, WinterWolf said:

    Ya, but all you do is say how happy you are with the mild temps, and no winter time weather in the immediate future?  

    But then you go and say what you just did above...lol you’re a troll plain and simple just out to bust chops.  

    I don’t think most peeps are so upset with the lack of snow/winter time weather, that it’s actually making them truly unhappy like you’re touting....this is how you show that you’re out to troll. 

    I couldn't agree with you more. Dr. Dews must have personal issues he is battling. That's why he taunts. He likes Winter as much as the rest of us. Don't let him fool you ( otherwise he wouldn't be trolling the winter forums ). 

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  11. 38 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    NW CT and W Ma. Other than that probably not . And who cares 

    Don't pay any attention to negative Nancy. He's just trying to get a rise out of everyone. In my opinion anybody who gets that whiny and negative should be booted of for the rest of this season. He said he can care less anyway. This will be the last time I respond to his childish rants

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  12. 1 hour ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Hey,, it’s great the resorts and trails up north are getting snow, they need it, but let’s be honest..seeing Jspin and Freak banging the Morse code out on each other’s ski poles to maneuver thru the snow and Dryslot and Winterwolf in Fort Kent stuck in two feet of snow and losing their bibs riding the sleds back to base camp pantless jousting their swords like a Star Wars scene isn’t exactly what snowless in SNE wants to see 

    I get it man. I really do. My other half can't understand why I'm disappointed that we've had a shit winter thus far.  No one understands except for us weather geeks..lol. Keep looking ahead man. Somehow someway, we'll make up for this.

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  13. 21 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    It hasn’t snowed in 3 weeks. You had 3” in January. Your final snowfall over 1-2” could have already happened. There’s nothing in the pipeline, the pattern looks abysmal. The winter showed its hand and it’s a solid flush. RIGHT DOWN THE GD TOILET. This isn’t a meltdown as your friends posted. They all feel exactly like me. Angry, frustrated and ready to move into summer. All set with 40’s and rain for another 60 days 

    Okay, I get it. I also feel just as frustrated as you do. However, what if a big storm comes out of nowhere sometime this month and we do get a large snow storm. Are you just going to ignore it because your finished and you're done with the winter cuz you wanted to move into spring already? No, you're going to be riding the forum train with everyone else and almost forget about what we went through for the last for 5 weeks of nothing. So, until winter is actually done and we're actually through March, most of us are in here now we'll still be lurking in here even if we say we're not going to. So, we'll always have a little thread to hold on to with the hopes that will get a surprise snow storm until the hope is gone. You know I'm right man..lol

  14. 13 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    There still could be with the south shift /more qpf pike south. Still TBD. Either way though.. the point is. This winter has showed us its hand. Cards on table for all see. Dud. Nothing of significance left. Waste of time to sit around tracking when there’s nothing to show 

    Maybe its a wast of time for you, but, NNE and even CNE will see Wintry conditions from this. Trust me, I am frustrated that this Winter has not gone in the direction that we all thought it was, but, when we have that " PERFECT " one, it will make up for all the wasted hours of disappointment. ;-)

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