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Posts posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. 1 hour ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    At least Anchorage is getting buried :facepalm:

    This is nuts, but, theres has to be a break or snap back the other way when are experiencing something this extreme.  You guys are acting like we will never see Winter again. I can eerily remember last year at this time being the extreme opposite from now. And look what happened then. Just saying guys and gals. Anyone else have any optimism?

  2. Now... Ususally when we have something this unusual and drastic for temperatures... We get that rubber band snap effect and it goea drastically the other way. I don't know, but, I think everyone is calling this Winter way to soon. We are in for some surprises this year. 

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Hey if we’re right it’ll give us plenty of days for beer drinking , high times and yard work outdoors this winter. May reseed some areas in Jan or Feb , plant perennials etc 

    Lol.. For any of you young-ens reading this, do not jump off the cliff.  We're bound to see some surprises this Winter


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  4. 1 hour ago, Ginx snewx said:

    Fugly, there's your PiG in December Lukey





    So... From what ive seen and read, the Euro model showing these warm temps is not a great model when it comes to predicting the temps over the next several months. I'm just throwing this out there. 

  5. 54 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    It’s a glorious morning for many, many reasons!

    28.7 currently. Now we furnace 

    Not sure what's going to happen December-Februaury ( March to ), but if we're to have a furnace I'd rather have it this month. I know we're not expecting a blockbuster winter in the Northeast oh, but it is expected to be better than last year. I do expect some surprises. Looking forward to what comes in the upcoming months

  6. I need to vent. I love some of your posts where you're totally canceling out winter ..... calling for the pig,  as you call it, to pop it's head out for the entire winter. Last year, a lot of people were under the impression that we were going to have a stellar winter, and we still hoped and prayed that would happen even through January,  but it never did. So with that said, I'm taking this every few weeks by every few weeks. None of you are wrong and none of you are right. Keep that in mind when you bicker back and forth LOL

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Enjoy the shredded no snow event tomorrow.

    Now now children. No need to sling mud at eachother.. We have the election for that ..lol. Seriously... Just curious why I hadn't heard much mentioned for that shot of snow Monday Eve? Is it just squalid or a period of snow? 

  8. 49 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Not really any changes overnight which is good. Nice early season snow event Friday .  Probably a nice strip of 1-3 or 2-4”

    That's funny. The Mets here in CT don't think we still see any accumulation....they are saying maybe something on the grass. I'm fine with that though. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, ineedsnow said:

    Should atleast see something it seems! WE SNOW!!

    Although I love tracking any kind of snow storm or snow event, I'm not going to bank on getting snow this Friday. It is very early to see accumulating snow here in Connecticut. If we got some great, but if we don't I'm not worried. I look forward to tracking many more snow events over the winter and will take them as they come

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  10. 16 minutes ago, ice1972 said:

    ^ya the neighbors loved me.....lol.....7500W genny is no slouch.....the soothing humm at night put me to sleep.....

    What's up... Plainville Farmington life here. We just bought a generator after Isaiais.  Not that I want a repeat of 2011 ( lived in sonnets and lost power for 11 days )... I am glad I have it if I need it. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Looks like 1 or two days of scattered showers 

    Actually... We are looking at some lighter showers Monday... Then more of a steadier rain Tuesday into Wednesay.  And... Theres a good chance that we will see rain from the storm sliding south of us Late Thursday into Friday. So.. That is more than 1 or 2 days. Just saying ;-)

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  12. 4 minutes ago, WinterWolf said:

    Still socked in here...drizzle stopped about 11:30, but still overcast, damp and murky.   

    Hey man. Right next store to you in Plainville up on rattlesnake mountain. The drizzle is easing up. Starting to see the visibility look clearer. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Damage In Tolland said:


    I'd rather it be torch like and get it out of the way so the pattern can flip. Last year, things were pointing to an awesome winter. Not just by some, but by almost all of the major Meteorologists.  We did have a great start as I had about 12" from a storm that lasted 3 days 12/1-12/3. Than on the 12/11 we had a another 4". After that..... Hardly enough to even whisper about.  So... I'm not writing anything off this year. It's nothing at all like last year at this point, and even looking ahead to the next several weeks it's not like last year. The setup is different, so the chances are high that we see something different this year. I'm expecting about average for last year we were way below average

  14. 4 hours ago, WinterWolf said:

    It sure did show that last year Lol, but ok “Twister in Tolland.”  

    And the only thing upside down, are your ideas.




    As I said before....Last year turned out completely opposite than what was expected. Our local MET's in Connecticut all had the same forecasts for the winter.... Snowy and colder. But..what ruined it was the positive NAO. It was so strong that it never let the cold air come down to the U.S.. Poeple are gun-shy and bitter from what happened last year. Ok, there is hope that we can have a better Winter here in the Northeast, but, even I have my hesitations ( althoigh I'm not totally off it being a decent Winter here in SNE either ). The excitement is still there for me ( as it allways had been for my 48 years of life ), when it comes to the weather. It's always throwing out a curve ball.  I'm hopeful we will get that curve ball thrown at us, all it takes is that " ONE " storm. So for those of you who are bitter and have lost that excitment and hope..... Breathe and wait. Something is bound to happen that will suck you all back in. :rolleyes:

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  15. My issue is that the winter master was supposed to be a blockbuster winter, which was forecasted by many meteorologists. We want of having a crappy winter. So I'm not worrying about what they're saying at this point as things can change in a heartbeat

  16. 2 hours ago, moneypitmike said:

    Oh, GON......

    I might find myself looking for excuses to get to Pit2 this winter.

    Just saw this from Henry H


    On 9/28/2020 at 10:42 PM, Ginx snewx said:

    Just give me a 10 -11 like winter. Shed roof with 42 inches, 5 per hour storm, 11 inches in 2 .5 hrs. 






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  17. 1 hour ago, MJO812 said:

    Why does the NAO have to go negative right now ? SMH.


    I'm not too worried. It's already going right back up. As long as the Nao goes negative December through March at least a few times we're set

  18. I have to say, I am very confused on what exactly looks to happen here in northern Connecticut.  As long as it is NOT like last year ( early December was awesome though ) the rest of the year sucked, then I will be happy. Plus... It only takes 1 great snowstorm or Blizzard to make the season feel like it was a good one. 

    I have learned though ( last year was a good example ) not to take a forecast to heart as it will and does change. Almost every media forum, meteotologist, were calling for stellar Winter conditions here in Southern New England, and they all had mud on their face by late January when they realized that it was not coming to fruition. So, I always keep faith as thongs can and do change from week to week. 

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