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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. So... In the camp of the Euro ( a little further north ). Has the Canadian been right in the past..or the right camp?
  2. Lol. I know, but Dr Dews likes to stir the pot and press everyone buttons. Theres always one ( or two ). They will keep doing what they do as that's what gives them a rise. My guess, its his only way to feel bigger and better than others. But all are welcome here?, even him. Oh.. Paige topper! GFS speaks, Euro tells him to shut up and get back into line! All is good. :-)
  3. Locked and loaded ( although the one for tomorrow I do think wrong surpass 1" in most areas in CT ). Checked out at the flakes of the air will be fun and gets us ready for Thursday
  4. Who.. You can argue that the GFS didn't nail that system either. Like I said.. They both have there weaknesses and strengths. Best to combine the two.
  5. It's been a toss up between the two I would say. When you think about it and how the GFS has fluctuated back and forth with each run, then compared with the Euro..they have pretty good similarities.
  6. A buddy of mine just posted them on FB. They look awesome. A lot of big hits.
  7. Silly question. What is the difference of the EPS and the Euro again.
  8. Kuchie kuchie coo... Where are you..lol ( ok..it's late and I woke for this, so I'm a bit punchy )
  9. Well.. Just woke up to peak at the Euro. Keeps the hopes alive. What I am seeing is the back and forth of the major models. Looking back, and splitting in the middle, we should see a lot of happy people. As gut wrenching as each model run can be, it's oddly exciting. Lol
  10. What did the CMC show for snowfall? Hey.. This is my second page topper. What I want to see happen for us all is " Pop goes the weasel cuz the weasel goes Pop "
  11. Would love to see the CMC maps. All these model fluctuations can cause insanity, but, then I thought, Hey.. We still have a lot od winter to go. So... Not to worry ( but I do hope for double digit snow for this storm ).
  12. Hey guys. In reference to what Henry H said about the storm looping off Jersey. Apparently ( this is from another site mind you ), the CFS showed the storm doing a loop yesterday. You guys are pretty ruthless and opinionated regardless of Henry's. forecasting ( and even to one another ). Anyway.. Point is, dont judge others as none of you are perfect.
  13. Again... There is no way that what we are seeing today is the final outcome..it even close. Will we have a storm... Check Will there be some big Snow totals.. Check Is it safer to say echo will be getting them yet... ABSOLUTLEY NOT There... I've said my peace
  14. I totally agree to. There's a lot to back it up with the storm going back towatds the north Trend again. It's not like the high pressure is a super cold Arctic high pressure. Then I would say we have an issue with suppression. I believe with Juno, there was a much colder high pressure that suppressed the storm South. Can anybody confirm that, but I think I'm correct
  15. If no one expected that we would have some off runs before next Wed night and Thursday event, then you are either a newbie, or just need to reassess. Lol I totally expected some off runs. Very normal
  16. What I see is the Icon catching onto more a snow event. I do think the thermals with the Icon are warm biased. But..if you notice, it has been correcting with each run.. Eerily towards the Euro ans GFS. I find it more difficult to call the Icon the. " Trend Setter ". Lol.
  17. Yes. I remember. But the 2010 storm really did well in far western CT and mass..Hudson Valley New York..and South from there. Central CT on north and easy only received 3-6. The storm in 2009 was a better and bigger storm through southern New England, but the biggest totals were in Se CT into Se Mass. But we still had nice totals in the Hartford area just shy of a foot.
  18. So..with a 50/50 and -NAO.. Are we starting to see this slow down as it moves of the coast of southern Jersey? If that happens.. Would only lengthen the snow. This is crazy. We are 5 days out and such great model consensus. Anyone remember the last time we had model consensus with a storm 5-7 days out?
  19. So, if it does follow the slowing Atl pattern..would that cause the system to slow down and blossom with more precip?
  20. Wow. You still have full pack? I have patches around here and there..but, 95% is gone. Looking forward to adding to it early and mid next week. You might lose a bunch Sunday though with temps near 60.
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