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Everything posted by jaydreb

  1. NAM through 60 has a pretty good thump. Not going to worry about what it does after that since it’s way out of its range.
  2. Euro is crazy. Hooks around NYC and then comes up and destroys Mass/Boston (shocked). Everyone mocks the GFS, but the Euro took places from like 18” to nothing in one run.
  3. The rest of the guidance is comfortably more north though.
  4. Yeah, sorry about that. I hope it’s a blip and EPS shows a wider hit for everyone.
  5. DC in double digits at 102 and still snowing.
  6. Nice front end thump on 18z GFS.
  7. Sign me up for 48+ hours of snow!
  8. Well, the much ballyhooed 12z Thursday Euro is upon us. Good look to all and hope to see you on the other side!
  9. Great couple of 12z runs (notwithstanding GFS op). Very nice to see the Ukie jump onboard.
  10. Warm air rises, cold air sinks. When the warm air rises, it condenses into precipitation and since it’s moving into a cold air mass, the precip falls as snow.
  11. Track and QPF are great. Just a bit warm for the usual heat zones.
  12. According to my completely unqualified opinion, 95% of storms trend north in the last 72 hours.
  13. Correct, but the concern is that every Euro run over the last 3 runs has pushed the higher totals north. I hope that trend doesn’t continue tomorrow.
  14. Pretty dramatic north trend tbh. The jackpot zone on tonight’s Euro (Penn) got almost nothing in last night’s run.
  15. This is not going to be 2016 imo. This could be a big storm but that was historic. If you are expecting 2016 then you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
  16. You’re talking about the GFS right? Not the storm as depicted by the Euro/EPS?
  17. I know you’ve been waiting a long time for a decent storm. I hope you (we) finally get it.
  18. Has it been updated since yesterday morning?
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