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Everything posted by JustinRP37

  1. Yeah regarding the is 88 hot. I think it very much depends on the dew point. Last week felt downright uncomfortable yet we did not reach 80, but just to the north of NYC here, it was god-awful. This weekend is warm, but these 40s and 50s dew points feel so great. Also, they do a great job lowering the tick risk as the little bastards have to stay hydrated so they do not quest as high or as long. This is a very interesting year because our numbers have not been great, but it seems like the ones that we are getting have a higher chance of being infected than normal. As my PhD advisor said when I was working in his lab, 'one can study ticks for their life and still feel like they know nothing when they retire'. That certainly is the truth, and probably also the way many meteorologists feel too.
  2. It is pretty amazing. Nearly everyone has been mentioning it too now. To me it, as I am looking for a career change, it is just one less reason to keep this area high on the list of places I want to remain.
  3. Anyone have cloud statistics ready available? I have yet to find anyone including the NWS that keeps records for cloud cover etc. Looking at the data available though this has been an excessively cloudy spring.
  4. Central Park recorded 22 days with light rain in April with 11 of those being steady rain and 8 of them being heavy rain. Central Park recorded fog on 16 days. There were 4.55 inches of precipitation recorded. So far this May we have recorded 5.87 inches of rain with 21 days of at least fog or mist being reported. It has been mild (mainly helped by high low temperatures), but we have really been unable to string together any nice days. The ground is saturated. It would be nice to be able to dry out just a bit.
  5. Starting to have a feeling we may not experience true summer before mid-June. Hopefully we start warming up and drying out some soon. I just have to keep reminding myself we are almost out of spring, the worst season of the year.
  6. Depends on where you are on the east coast. Above is not far away, but neither is below.
  7. What is 8 years? 1981-2010 is thirty years. We can also look much further back than that. Climatologists do not use the 1981-2010 standard. And that standard would only be outdated because we are warmer consistently than it was. Go back even further and we are even warmer than that. Our current sunspotless percentage this year is 56%, in 2008-2009 we were well in the 70% range. That has also been debunked. We had many years even in the past, with days without sunspots into the 70-80% range. This spring is not an indication that we are now suddenly in a cooling period. It hasn't even been that much cooler relative to normal except for this past week. Our temperatures do show a warming trend starting tomorrow back to average.
  8. And then the people that say "what about the flowers?" I say they are pretty, but they don't last. Cherry blossoms are my favorite, but they are around for about a week.
  9. We really need to dry out. I swear to God the first person to mention drought when we have our first 7 day dry spell should be put in timeout. This pattern just reminds me why spring is the worst season. Gray, damp, and allergies. People always look at me like I’m nuts but I love winter and summer. Even this winter had more hours of sunshine I feel than this spring.
  10. People always laugh but instead of being a snow bird, I would love to be a soggy bird. Meaning I would love to escape to the desert southwest from mid-March to early June. I just hate these prolonged grey, wet patterns. I don't see any let up with this pattern for awhile. I am hoping that around mid-month we can break free from it.
  11. The dew point is 56 degrees with 49% humidity. This is nothing.
  12. The vest and long pants are a big thing thing, but the biggest problem is the extreme heat and humidity brings out the crazies making you that much more busy!
  13. The very late-October sun angle began in mid-February yes. Key word being very late. But that doesn't miraculously end winter. There is a lag in temperatures, hence why our lowest averages are in mid/late January and not mid/late December even though 'sun angle' is increasing. Same with summer maximums being highest in mid/late July. None of this is correct. You are not even calculating it correctly. You are arguing about it yet the link provided above has a fairly accurate representation of how you calculate it. We are approaching the vernal equinox (March 20). By definition the sun angle on that date matches the autumnal equinox (September 23rd). So heading into the spring equinox you are subtracting days from the winter solstice if you want to get the fall equivalent. So no we cannot have a sun angle of late August by the end of March, a mere few days after the sun angle is equal to September 23rd. I do lecture on this in my ecology class at the university.
  14. Early to mid March would be like early to mid October sun angle... this is the week where we finally get to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. First day of spring is March 20 and first day of autumn is September 23rd. By definition those are the days with the same sun angle.
  15. As for not sticking to the pavement for a long time, we did have quite a bit of sunlight yesterday as well. I was amazed driving to Jersey at how nice the weather was earlier in the day. This time of year, that sun can really warm up those dark surfaces. Still absolutely gorgeous to look at outside now.
  16. It is coming down quite nicely still here in southern Westchester, but road crews are keeping up. If you like snow be sure to get outside and enjoy it falling! It might be the last big one of the year! I hope not but once you get to this time of year you never know.
  17. I think places would have been fine with a delay, especially in the metro area, but the snow is really coming down now. Too bad we couldn’t slow this storm down and have it go all day tomorrow now that so many places have closed. Would have been nice to get our season’s worth of snow in this one.
  18. With that being said now we will get a 30 incher. Just like it didn't snow when I actually built in snow days to my syllabus for the year.
  19. Well when you don't build snow days into the syllabus past March, you are bound to get slammed. I think tonight into tomorrow is looking great and I think we will get much closer to hitting our average snowfall for the year. However, I hope this does not change the narrative of this winter because 95% of it still sucked for our area. I am glad that we are finally cashing in, but I hate how fast March storms melt, even when it is cold. BTW what is going on with the complaining?!
  20. I am very excited for the third straight morning with snow. Why couldn’t we have had this more throughout this winter? This is by far the best pattern we have had all winter. I do like the potential. Still looking good to get to 60-70% of our average snowfall by the end of the winter, and possibly close to average.
  21. Why would they disagree? The sun angle is literally what drives our seasons... smh. There isn't much direct sun to begin with in most of Alaska, but yes even there the dreaded sun angle gives them 'summer'.
  22. The sun angle is not bs. It does affect snowfall and snow cover in a big way. You can have tempers below freezing in early April, yet the snowpack can sublimate much more easily. Sure you can get a lot of accumulations, but if those storms happened during the solar minimal period of the year, you would have much great impact. By the time you get to April, it really has to snow hard to get it to stick to dark surfaces. It does not mean it cannot accumulate though. If the storm was even overnight, all the better, but it will still melt quickly. So yes it can snow in March, April, and even May if the pattern is right, but sun angle does affect it big time.
  23. Of course the city makes the sun angle a bigger problem. It is all concrete and blacktop. This is the time of year where even when it is cold a black jacket will feel much warmer because of the strengthening sun. Once you exit the solar minimum you notice it pretty quickly. Also why how in the fall it can be so much cooler in the northern burbs.
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