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Everything posted by Shocker0

  1. Man, I almost wonder if this was the other event you're talking about in that time frame then. I do specifically remember us driving to church that night to a church we had never attended, so I suppose a Sunday night is possible. I just remember being in high school the day before one of those events and them calling school off due to around a foot of snow incoming, but it never did anything where I lived (McCreary KY). Maybe in the 15 years since my brain is combining two different storms. I'll try to research it more. I actually have a very grainy picture on my computer somewhere of us trying to get off Brimstone Mountain that night after we ran smack into the snowfall. It seemed like within 30 minutes there were already three inches of snow on the ground, heaviest snow I've ever seen, but just down from the mountain it was bone dry.
  2. Yeah it was very unique if I remember. It just reminded me a little of yesterday's event but on a much bigger scale. As far as I remembered it was supposed to hit most of Tennessee and Kentucky super hard, but ended up being super isolated to certain places and nothing in others. I didn't realize that some places actually got the huge snow that was forecast until we picked up a copy of the Morgan County TN News (parents family from there) and saw where they were using backhoes to clean the snow off the roads. Pretty crazy to see when we were 30 miles from heavy snow but got nothing. @John1122 probably got a good snow out of that one since it hit parts of Scott, Morgan and Cumberland counties
  3. Side note, I lived in Southeast Kentucky in 2004 and I remembered a big snow being hyped in mid February that year. They were calling for around a foot of snow and had already canceled school the day before in anticipation. Well, we went to church that night (I believe it was a Wednesday night or a revival maybe, but during the week) on Brimstone Mountain south of Oneida, TN. The snow was supposed to come in later that evening and snow all night. We were driving South and were seeing cars coming in the northbound lanes with snow caked on the front of their cars, but there was no snow anywhere on the ground in Oneida. Once we got up to the church we found the snow and it was pouring extremely heavy. Church was canceled so we turned around just to try to get out safely because of how quick it was piling up. By the time we got down the hill, there was no snow again. We went back home that night and woke up the next morning to no snow at all. I was confused to how it could be snowing so hard in one place and nothing in others. I found out later that somehow the snow only seemed to hit Scott County, Morgan County, and Cumberland County (maybe a couple of other counties but it was very spotty) despite supposed to have been a pretty big event for all of Eastern TN and KY. Does anyone remember that system? I was only 15 or so then so I don't remember all the dynamics, but I know we stayed dry as a bone at my house with no precipitation at all, but the places above really did end up with around a foot of snow. This pic may be from the event I'm thinking of, February 16, 2004:
  4. Yeah that's crazy, I know it makes a difference, I just didn't realize how much a degree or two would affect it sticking if it was coming down pretty hard regardless. I went to Monterey this morning (they usually get the same or more snow than where I live despite being about 100-200ft lower than us) and going down the small hill from Cumberland County to Putnam County it was like the accumulation just stopped and by the time I got to Monterey there was almost nothing left. One of the local meteorologists shared this map this morning. It was a finicky system.
  5. We got down to 15 degrees this morning with the snow cover. It's only up to 21 so far, but by the end of the day most of this should be gone. It sounds like it was a bust for most of the forum but mainly due to temperature issues and not precip. I'm not sure what made it stick so easily here (even to the roadways until mostly melting later) but I guess a few degrees in ground temps can make a huge difference. Like I said in a previous post, I watched Cookeville's weather cam some yesterday and every time it looked like it was just pouring snow but the grass was still green and it's only 20 miles west of here, but off the Plateau. Looks like there could be more snow chances middle of next week so hopefully that one will be better for everyone.
  6. I was watching Cookeville's weather camera today (just off the Plateau to the west of me 20 miles) and it looked like it was snowing like crazy all day like it was here but it just never stuck there. It may have just looked harder on camera, but it looked like it was coming down just as hard as it was here and nothing ever seemed to stick. Like someone else said, if it was at night time it probably would've verified for everyone
  7. System has moved past here I think. Just flurries now. It was a good system and hopefully will give you all a few more hours of snow. Kinda wish it came in the evening so it would stick better for everyone
  8. We haven't had a lot of snowy days here this winter, BUT it seems like every time it has been cold enough to snow, it has. And every event has overperformed here it seems like. I consider it a pretty good winter with as much warm weather as we've had in between the occasional snowfall. Still light snow here, and hasn't melted as much as it looked like it was going to at first on the roadways. We have about 3 1/2" and I'm sure that's probably where we will top out.
  9. We have around 3 inches here. It seems to already want to be melting off the roads some and gravel areas now, and I doubt we are going to get much more at this point other than just the lighter stuff. It's definitely a beautiful snow though.
  10. Same all snow here. Our truck driver is driving back from Cincy right now though and said in Williamsburg it was doing nothing at all. So I warned him to be careful going down 75 through Jellico/LaFollette etc because of snow on the interstate. Looks like he will be having a slow go the rest of his trip.
  11. Seems to be letting up some here or just the sky seems brighter. It's a pretty snow though and hopefully we'll get a few more hours of it to keep it from melting any before dark.
  12. Fairfield Glade, 20 miles east of my location or so, is getting pretty heavy snow now but looks like it hasn't been sticking as long: https://www.wate.com/weather/weather-cameras/fairfield-glade/
  13. Yeah they salted them yesterday pretty good but I guess it was coming down too hard. Now they will plow them soon I'd say.
  14. Just had to send the guys home from work early. They all live off the Plateau around Sparta and it is SLICK out here. This is the on ramp to i40 and everyone is moving along really slowlu
  15. Very quiet outside. This is a rare daytime snow it seems like anymore.
  16. Weather Channel has raised our forecast to 3 to 5 inches for today. Hopefully they're right. On the radar it looks plausible unless the moisture from the south starts dying out.
  17. It's adding up quick here North and West of Crossville. This pic is 10 minutes after the first one.
  18. Hey man! The radar was showing snow here as well for a couple of hours but it was virga. In the last 20 minutes or so it actually started snowing and has been pretty heavy. Smaller flakes but coming down at a good clip and we have a dusting on grass and roads. 32-33 degrees currently
  19. Yeah it's been breezy so it's blown around everywhere. Some places there is less than an inch and others up to 5 or 6. Still stuck to a lot of trees which is pretty
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