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Posts posted by midatlanticweather

  1. 10 minutes ago, SnowGoose69 said:

    The problem continues to be who knows where the SSW impacts.    Remember there have been disastrous SSWs before where they impact Alaska or the western US and we go into a full blown torch.  December 1990 and February 1989 I believe we’re both examples of SSWs that did this.  Sometimes having it impact Europe or Siberia isn’t the worst thing for us because the entire polar region setup is disrupted hemisphere wide so we can still benefit here.  Of course January 2012 is an example of one that impacted Europe and did nothing here at all

    Exactly right! When we rely on SSW we are in trouble because we do not have a clue who reaps the benefits. I remember both the above! Great points! Let's hope it is us. I would rather hope for typical patterns that help us and hope the SSW does not screw them up! 


  2. Well dang! Time to go guzzle some eggnog!

    I think there is a general trend to crappy - how we get there is in debate..how long we stay there is based on how bad of a pattern we are talking. As far as a big rainstorm, you can bet that will happen! We only struggle to get moisture when it is cold. Working on shattering every rain record we can!


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