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Everything posted by Jandurin

  1. yes snow melts amazing contribution i'm obviously responding to troll posts i'll stop
  2. i remember when i was a kid it snowed every day even in the summer
  3. I read that as "fall pattern" and thought you were getting way ahead of yourself.
  4. So stop looking at winter outlooks then because they shouldn't color your actual experiences
  5. Yeah the last two winter where almost nothing at all happened were better
  6. This winter is a B unless we get a HECS then it's A
  7. i got literally what i expected snow lasted until just past noon as i expected/wanted, impressive snow for at least a second (2 waves of ~30 minutes) and opm closed
  8. the great thing about a good high gravity beer is it gets better as it warms
  9. wow i really think beer should have actual calories posted because literally no site agrees on what any of their actual caloric contents is
  10. oh you're right a google misinformed Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA 450 18.00% Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA 209 6.00% that seems much more reasonable so 3:2 ratio in terms of effectiveness
  11. drinking tropical torpedo from sierra nevada i think sierra nevada is my 3rd favorite large brewery
  12. interesting point same calories as a 60 minute but the punch of 3
  13. for whatever reason i was just east enough that march 2017 didn't really do it here weird how weather works
  14. i fully jackpotted in the january storm but this one was way more fun
  15. my issue is not doughy but i can drink beer like water so i have to unnaturally limit myself
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