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Everything posted by Vice-Regent

  1. This. We need a convincing argument and escape hatch for the Peak Oil problem which will hit us around 2040 on the BAU path. As it stands now ... there are are 2 possible explanations for the existence and vastness of the universe. (and it's emptiness) 1.) All other planets, galaxies, and suns are byproducts of an environment designed to create us and only us, i.e. the sheer impossibility of our existence has been overcome by infinite possibility. 2.) The universe is of unintelligent design and our existence is largely a mistake. As some have subscribed to it as a cancer or metastasis arising out of the wider universe. Thus we are heading to the dustbin in short order. The true purpose of the universe remains illusive and it is assumed to be the base reality of existence (this is not the case in outcome #1). Option #1 makes our fate far more insidious. It implies that we have squandered the opportunity of a lifetime for short-term hubris and greed. The ultimate hell analogy comes to breakfast. We may be the last generation of humans to exist. It's sort of a classical argument between emotion and science (good vs.evil or Kairos vs. Chronos). Not to say emotion is unintelligent rather it is more capable of detecting evidence beyond the realm of empirical reasoning. Kairos (Ancient Greek: καιρός) is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment.[1] The ancient Greeks had two words for time: chronos (χρόνος) and kairos. The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative, permanent nature.[2] Kairos also means weather in Modern Greek. The plural, καιροί (kairoi (Ancient and Modern Greek)) means the times. Kairos is a term, idea, and practice that has been applied in several fields including classical rhetoric, modern rhetoric, digital media, Christian theology, and science.
  2. Everything needs to go right (100 percent of the time) for Type 0 civilizations to function correctly for a long period of time (1-2 millennium). Keep in mind the fossil-fuel era has only existed for about 250 years and we are already at the end of the road (apparently). Subtle things matter like how you educate the population, your cultural values (religion versus secular), the uniformity of your education, childhood nutrition, eugenics (keeping the IQ above a certain level). It's much easier to walk away from civilization than struggle and adapt civilization to human needs. There's a reason why we still haven't been able to debunk the Fermi paradox. People have collectively chosen to walk away from the long-term reality of our situation and we are looking to pay the ultimate price for our indifference. When you take a step back and abandon your hubris it's easy to see how the wealth inequality and general unfairness of our world is tied into our unsustainable future. We are not giving people a fair run at life and we are exposing young people to unnecessary risks for no clear reason.
  3. Add some mythology to the story you want to tell yourself. I find hell to be an appropriate analogy for where we are going and this is something we have collectively set out to become.
  4. Such a philosophy is at odds with Capitalism. I know I will keep hammering this idea until we see the changes required to avert this catastrophe. The only problem I am beginning to encounter is the fact that anthropogenic global warming may be unavoidable (regardless of the economic system in place) but the extinction event is not a certainty. Important distinction
  5. What matters is context. You need to be willing to kill people indiscriminately in order to sustain capitalism in the 21st century and civilization for that matter. Capitalism is incompatible with environmental reform. There is no rising tide floats all boats. Richard Lindzen is provoking a false dichotomy. Either we shut off the electricity or AGW and peak oil will do it for us. I don't understand trolls like Lindzen and they need to go crawl back under the rock they came out of. The solar argument is still a thing in 2019? How is that possible. Ad-infinitum until it's your family that is thrown under the proverbial bus for the greater good of capitalism. All of this wall to wall chaos in the modern world need not happen or perhaps I am falling victim to wishful thinking. Perhaps this was our destiny. I would like to find out but we may never know.
  6. Sorry to go OT but Trump's family is the most profound Nazi cohort ever conceived in America. People like JB and his conservative leanings don't even understand who they voted for. That about sums up democracy in 2019. An absolute crap-shoot founded on ignorance and lobbyists (money incentives). I may not be a leftist but at least I understand why the far-right has never gained any traction for a sustained amount of time. Nobody likes bigots and nobody likes self-righteous nationalists who don't serve the interests of the common and peaceful folk. Most people who seek positions of authority and power are psychopathic. JB is completely out of control. I tried to talk some sense into him via his Youtube page. I wonder if he is being payed to spout this horseshit. He's putting his reputation and life into the shredder. There must be a reason. People keep dieing and suffering on behalf of these war criminals. They never self-correct or bite the hand that feeds them poison. Look at how many people died for Hitler, Stalin, and FDR combined. Trump is just the latest installment of these stains on our beautiful humanity.
  7. Think of it like paying up for past debts. This is ironic because our economy and capitalism are entirely based on debt borrowing and credit in modern times. I believe the national debt is now 2.5 times larger than the annual gross domestic product. Starting somewhere on the path to changing mindsets and worldviews will help us prepare the world for the few of us that survive the collapse of civilization. (and it stands to reason the most worthy of us - i.e. the least offenders of the crime) In our case we have borrowed too much debt from the Earth's ecosystem and now we must pay the price. Capitalism is the enemy of our children. The enemy is us. (Anyone older than 35 years)
  8. Too little too late. The birth rate doesn't matter when the per capita consumption is so extreme in first world countries. There's no other reason other than civilization is a malicious entity and needs to go away. As well let us remember the hardship and tears required to buildup a worldwide civilization throughout the millennia. It is a very poor consolation to accept that it was all for a short-term satisfaction of a few privileged people. To echo some cornerstones of leftist thought. The United States was founded and sustained by slavery (and the British Empire, China, etc). As usual the truth or ideal state is usually in the middle of the two extremes. (except for AGW)
  9. As if that was the only dichotomy available? This is doing a unfortunate disservice to our prospects. People always become defensive when capitalism is at stake. It doesn't matter what you want or what I want. Capitalism will be removed voluntarily or involuntarily. A planned transition is always easier than an unplanned transition. As well nuclear power has real potential to turn the tables in favor of human civilization.
  10. Contrarily you could take the Bill Gates route which is focus on rapid Carbon Sequestration and Nuclear Power. The budget for these sectors should be at minimum around 2 trillion each year (500 billion for R&D and 1.5 trillion for infrastructure development). What I don't understand is the reluctance to throw all of your chips onto the table in a dire situation. In a system like Capitalism this will never happen due to the inherent risk in the for-profit financial model. We should be scaling down our overhead across the board. Our housing should be efficient and affordable. We should be reducing transportation, grounding all non-essential aviation, etc. The enemy is the for-profit model, i.e. capitalism. Something like the above could be accomplished in a technocratic civilization. (by necessity demanding the cessation of democracy)
  11. Exactly and aging liberal boomers like Obama (who are too old to be inundated). He is divested from the future with good reason.
  12. All of the above should of been in place during the Carter administration and subsequently. We are too late for semantical efforts.
  13. The only known way to solve the problem is to abandon Civilization from the equation. Stop population overshoot and the ability to exploit the environment at will en-masse. (with the adjacent technologies). Humans like any other organism must live in equilibrium with it's environment. There is a place for us. A world without civilization is worth living in.
  14. You reach a point where the slow feedbacks "wake up" and off you go down the cliff and into hothouse Earth. Tipping points are a thing but our entire climate mitigation policy is based on their non-existence. It's that same scientific reticence. We don't listen to "90% certainty" yet nothing is ever completely certain. You can play this game ad-infinitum. There's no way you can walk away from this anymore in 2019. I hope you guys are looking forward to the genocides of the 2040s. Where is our World War 2-level mobilization?
  15. It's 2019. At what point does the new normal sink in? Lol Or you could be one of those nutters (some of them are corporate shills) who believe the solar minimum forcing can Trump 5 Hiroshima bombs every second.
  16. 6 years of awakening. 1938 was a good year.
  17. Let's make it happen. Put us out of our misery.
  18. Only 3 more runs until the HAARP crew activate the hurricane shields.
  19. Is it possible to have the Pacific Blob as being "too big" implying that it would flood the continental US with Pacific airmasses? Never thought I would see that day. You wanted it and now it's here.
  20. No soup for you (no winter for you).
  21. It's not. Nobody has ever told me why. It's more of a novelty.
  22. I believe cross-referencing posts from another forum is against the rules. Just take care guys. Don't end up with the weenie tag or worse.
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