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Posts posted by Vice-Regent

  1. 6 minutes ago, Eskimo Joe said:

    We live in the bizarro timeline:


    The economic decoupling is real. Many have been saying for years that the real economy has decoupled from the derivatives market.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Wonderdog said:

    Yes but what kind of numbers should we look for? 

    This is their version of the 'final solution'. I don't think social isolation will counter something of this magnitude. You'll need a very advanced vaccine program.

    Sad but true. We were already on a terrible path.

  3. 6 minutes ago, C.A.P.E. said:

    ^Cant wait to see what these Maps look like in June. Never had any reason to look.

    The year of the Eastern Shore tornadoes. That's a crazy good pattern for severe wx.

  4. 1 minute ago, showmethesnow said:

    Think the biggest problem is that we are probably going to see even more separation between the haves (A students) and the have nots (F students). For whatever reason (lack of discipline, lack of money, lack of family structure, needing to work, etc...) these students had difficulty in an school atmosphere to begin with so to expect them to transition over to distant learning without any difficulties is probably a fantasy. In fact it will probably be worse. Potentially much worse.

    It's better to catch these things early before it's too late. Childhood nutrition should not be downplayed and as well some people have inclinations that make them poorly suited for modern education. We turned our back on this stuff in the 60s and it's coming back to wreck our prospects.

    It's been a long slide into the abyss but maybe we've turned the corner but not in the way we wanted.

  5. 12 minutes ago, mappy said:

    yeah i guess that skinny squall line finally hit here. Windy, no thunder, raining. But sun is already trying to come out behind it.

    Become one with the squall line. Hold yourself to a higher standard.


  6. 1 minute ago, supernovasky said:

    Right now, bodies are not piling up and we aren't even at peak death. Unrestricted spread of coronavirus is magnitudes worse than we are currently experiencing. 

    Even if you open it nobody will actually be willing to risk their lives for the economy unless the banks push hard on people. Without rental/mortgage forcing people into the economy they won't come back. Remember back during the post-World War 1 era. Germany had the same problems.

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  7. 18 minutes ago, supernovasky said:

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, we really have no choice. We either lock down and it's bad, or we open up and it's worse both economically and death toll wise.


    Things shut down when the hospital system fails and bodies start piling up. 


    The only 3rd way is a South Korea/Japan/China/Singapore/Israel solution:

    - Test EVERYONE. You have a slight cough, you get tested. Drive throughs everywhere.

    - Temperature checks at all public buildings

    - Massive state surveillance that way all who an infected person comes into contact with are notified

    - Massive adoption of face masks, mandatory any time you're outdoors.

    - Massive disinfection efforts in all public spaces.


    So I mean... we're left with 3 options that suck. 

    There is a 4th option .... live from home and grow a victory garden. That's how we will be living in 30 years so why not start now?

    Our main problem is that our cities are not setup to transition to this kind of system.

  8. 31 minutes ago, supernovasky said:

    Bill Gates illustrates what I'm trying to say best with a recent interview with this quote:


    “There really is no middle ground, and it’s very tough to say to people, ‘Hey, keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner. We want you to keep spending because there’s maybe a politician who thinks GDP growth is all that counts,’”

    Wuhan needed a 76-day lock-down to achieve results. That's about where we should be aiming for but it would cripple the economy beyond repair. That's why we must freeze the economy instead of bleeding it out.

    It's one thing to lock-down a city and another to lock-down a country.

  9. 7 hours ago, C.A.P.E. said:

    Didn't your area get near 70 yesterday? 

    Maybe you stayed in the marine air right  near the coast. Was beautiful here with lots of sun.

    Back to miserable today. Been stuck at 46 with a stiff breeze and some light showers.

    Welcome to the club man.

  10. 12 hours ago, psuhoffman said:

    Long version: The climate is shifting but you’re using the wrong indicators. What happened this year wasn’t out of the normal. Actually a year like this was due. Since 1950 there have been 6 years with less snow here than this year and 7 with less than 15”. Right now I’m somewhere around 12”. That’s an avg of one sub 15” year every 7.5 years. But it’s been since 2002 since we had one. That’s 17 years. We were very due. Plus many of those awful years were pattern matches to this year. This result happened every 10 years or so even in the old climate when this type of pattern happened.  When we start to see anomalously low snowfall results in what used to be snowier patterns that would be a better sign of climate change than what you are referencing. 

    Short version:  you are an idiot 

    How is the loss of global dimming working out for you?

    You have been living in a false dichotomy believing the climate is not as sensitive as it would be. Who knows what garbage has been floating around in the atmosphere. Nobody knows to a certainty other than it is to our detriment.

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