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Posts posted by Vice-Regent

  1. 1 hour ago, Fozz said:

    I figured someone like you would celebrate this pandemic. Much lower emissions this year and a possible multi year depression that may follow.

    It's better than the alternative of 3 billion people starving to death in 2040. I don't think it's up for debate. We needed this.

    Coronavirus provides a grace period to adjust our toxic behaviors.

  2. 5 minutes ago, leesburg 04 said:

    Fall and winter should suck with wave two AND flu season. It better f'n snow

    I am more worried about dead trees (from freeze) and empty beaches. We know winter is like our old summers now. Such is the way of life.

    What do you think winter will look like after a summer of diminished aerosols? Not only that GHGs and water vapors are at record levels already.


    Most would agree that we are leaving a distinct cultural and climactic era behind.

  3. Just now, supernovasky said:

    I've looked at the data. I do think backlogs have to do with it for sure (Sunday deaths end up pushed to Monday and Tuesday), probable is contributing some, but I think the biggest driver is that other places are experiencing peaks right now. Ohio is seeing a pretty strong uptick in hospitalizations and deaths. Pennsylvnaia, Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut are all getting slammed.

    Maryland is another looming hotspot. It's been building for awhile. You guys did good but nothing can stop this thing.

  4. 1 minute ago, supernovasky said:

    I do believe the collective will is breaking.


    I don't think that the results will be good. I hope and pray they are.

    They will rush out to restart the industrial machine at huge costs in terms of human lives and suffering. I am familiar with this theme.

  5. 4 minutes ago, supernovasky said:

    It didn't pan out because we isolated.


    This thing is still killing 2,500 a day. Think of how long we've been like this for and consider that. It's still resulting in 30k new infections a day minimum. 

    Keep telling yourself that ... we are getting super close to losing support for lock-downs worldwide.

  6. 2 hours ago, George BM said:

    Don't completely sleep on this Tuesday either. There could be some low-topped convection with limited CAPE along and just ahead of the cold front. Steep low-level lapse rates and fairly fast-flow aloft could translate to some of the convection having strong wind gusts.

    Stuff has a history of amping up as we move closer to the event. I would feel good east of the Blue Ridge.

  7. Just now, PhineasC said:

    You calling me a contrarian troll is pretty hilarious. 

    The greenhouse doomsday future is waiting for your children. You made one good decision in your life. I am right there with you brother.

  8. 55 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    It appears COVID-19 is not so lethal that herd immunity won't eventually relegate it to "normal" status. Like swine flu. Our lack of herd immunity means the virus is running rampant now, but that won't continue. That's not how viruses like this work. This isn't MERS with a 30% death rate. It is high R0, low IFR. So it hits us hard for a few months and then fizzles into the background as another respiratory disease we see at low numbers every year. So, this was basically a viral "bomb" that went off and then will fade. Acting like this will kill thousands of Americans indefinitely unless we undertake major interventions is BS.

    Thousands die of the annual flu. I don't understand your point here. Why the **** are you still here? You have no say in the matter so if your goal is not to diminish the extent of the lock-down then you are just a contrarian as many have stated.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    Thought it was mutton chops? (although pork chops sounds funnier, lol)

    The meat plants are shuttering. What will you do now that Mappy has no more meat to cook?

  10. 1 hour ago, supernovasky said:

    Sorry Phin got to have some levity. I hope soon we will all be dancing in the sun and it turns out to be nothing like a bad flu season. I’m just not seeing it.

    Capitalism DESTROYER

  11. 11 minutes ago, supernovasky said:

    Thanks, yeah, didn't know. The line is so blurred right now. 


    So let me reframe it:


    For a variety of reasons, it seems like gatherings during coronavirus to protest lockdowns are likely to continue.

    Natural selection doing it's work.

  12. 4 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    There is no political will to pay everyone’s salary indefinitely. People will start to go hungry and kill themselves from depression. 

    Wrong again. They will move out of the cities and find a way to survive. You are posting too much and are too emotionally invested in a system that never cared about you. Now you finally see it and are now posting weird shit. Odd effect...

    • Haha 2
  13. 45 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    I think you will be shocked by how many people will resume their normal routine the minute they can. Most Americans are done hiding in their basements, IMO. 

    Nobody is hiding in their basements. What other options are available for something with a basic reproduction number of 5.5+? That means for every one person infected they will infect 6 other people.

    Capitalism DESTROYER

  14. Just now, PhineasC said:

    Death is a lagging indicator. Those dying now were infected at least 14-20 days ago or more, on average (there are outliers). We need to stick to the plan through the death counts.

    25,000 new cases in the US and those deaths are 14-20 days away. Not sure I accept that line of reasoning. We need to lock-down for 6 months and we need door to door vaccines. A massive mobilization effort. Hospitals are death traps.

  15. 4 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    That's one way to do it, but that will be deeply unfair to some students. Probably unavoidable.

    What is the true purpose of education if the higher education system is shut down? Shouldn't we be re-tooling our kids with different skill sets?

    I know it's early but I would rather have my child capable of growing a garden and knowing medicinal herbs and the various other survival skills.

  16. Just now, jaydreb said:

    Everyone has been saying this, even federal officials like Fauci and Birx.  

    Get real bro. It's never going to happen en-masse and it's not going to happen in the third-world. Next best thing ... vaccines and herd immunity.

  17. 3 minutes ago, C.A.P.E. said:

    Yup. People better get used to social distancing/gloves/masks. It is the new normal. A vaccine is probably a year away.

    Forget sports, concerts etc. Not happening.

    Well said @C.A.P.E.

    It's very important because the outcome could be dire if too many people don't wear personal protective equipment. We won't be willing to lock-down as quickly if the situation rapidly deteriorates during the summer/fall. We really should stay locked down for 6 months but nobody will accept that.

  18. Just now, jaydreb said:

    The way out is aggressive mitigation until we reduce the number of cases to the point that we can contact trace.  We continue to do that until we have a therapeutic or a vaccine.  

    This will require 3 months and as many have said we need the contact-tracing infrastructure in place which may I add is rather draconian. Not everyone will be on board.

    3 months is too long for capitalism if that's your thing. That's obviously the thing because that's how we do business.

  19. 1 hour ago, 40westwx said:

    Respiratory illness generally eradicate themselves after 80% of the population has reached immunity. This a the "breaking point" where the virus can no longer find a susceptible host and spread faster than the rate in which people either recover or die.  China had the benefit sufficiently spreading the virus before policy makers panicked in to lock down.. 

    Thinking that something different happened in china is sorta like buying in to conspiracy theory and denying science.  We have no reason to believe that this virus will act different from other corona viruses.  The only apparent difference, and we are seeing it play out now, is that there will be a higher fatality rate because the elderly and at risk population have zero immunity.  

    Birx and Fauci tried to tell everyone this back in March.. then sh$t load of people started dying in NYC and they had no other choice but to go the policy route.

    Chinese population is 1.4 billion. There is no chance in hell that 80% of the population has immunity already. China was able to contact trace very effectively and confine the outbreak to one province/city. This virus would undoubtedly kill 500 million worldwide if we relied on herd immunity alone without vaccines or lock-downs.

    This virus is the capitalism destroyer. There is no way out.

    • Haha 1
  20. 10 minutes ago, supernovasky said:

    1,946 deaths and several states haven't reported yet. Today is going to be the deadliest day. :-/

    We could do the China thing and lie to the world about the situation so we can offshore suffering somewhere else while we rake in money. I am tired of dealing with this man. We need like a full-spectrum reorganization of society. Complete UBI and 100% Telecommute. Automation can manage our food supply. Some call this luxury space communism but I call it survival for the greater good.

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