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Posts posted by Vice-Regent

  1. 2 minutes ago, DCTeacherman said:

    Its going to be very hard to ever fully control this thing given the level of transmission occurring under near lockdown.  We are gonna really have to dial in the test, trace, isolate strategy, and quick. 

    Or just cut our losses. We've done it before and it may not be optional .... was never a viable option ever throughout history. This is our turn to witness the savage inrush of the obscene.

  2. 26 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    lol... all these years you thought I criticized you because you are liberal?  Try again

    Someone of your caliber would never succumb to such linear thinking. With that said I assumed that you were pro status quo. Quid pro quo.

    If you are on board then that gives me hope for the future.

  3. 1 minute ago, supernovasky said:

    That change in total hospitalizations is not promising. We are at the highest total current hospitalizations since this pandemic started now. This likely means that we have not peaked in deaths, and in fact, a certain percentage of those hospitalizations will lead to deaths 1-3 weeks down the line.

    The only region of the US that is flattening the curve is probably NYC because they started so early.

  4. 16 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    Ok I know this is teetering on the edge and could fly off into way over the line if we aren't careful...but I find it somewhat "disingenuous" that most of the people making this argument right now for why we need to get back to work don't seem to care a lick about the negative effects of poverty under normal circumstances.   Many of the people using poverty as a reason for their policy advocacy now try to block any attempt at social programs to deal with poverty when they are proposed in every other situation.  I am NOT saying that is you...I have no idea what your stance on this stuff is...but in general my twitter feed and fb wall is filled with people ive argued with for years and who never gave a single F about doing a thing about poverty suddenly all upset about it now.  

    I always figured you were more conservative. Good for you man there are some good things to say about you now that we see your true colors. With that said Democracies and Capitalism don't blend well. It's really an odd blend yet it's the normative state. Dog eat Dog and Equality don't blend well.

  5. 5 minutes ago, NorthArlington101 said:

    not gonna lie, saw the headline and was about to say that the article must be crazy. Read that and it made a lot of sense! I'm still skeptical it's truly constant -- I feel like modern medicine must have a non-negligible effect -- but a ton of deaths at age "0" certainty would bring the average down sharply.

    It's effectual in so far as prolonging the life of someone who is chronically sick but has done nothing in terms of raising or extending the maximum life expectancy for the individual.

    Hope it makes more sense now The world is not always what we want it to be unless you understand reality and can begin to shift it to your will.

  6. 2 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    That is a GREAT way to describe being around you.  I couldn't have said it better myself.  Congrats

    I am a skilled observer of imperfections and problems. Don't blame the messenger.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Eskimo Joe said:

    Folks be wary of the onslaught of "recent studies".  Question the source and see if there was a control group.  Otherwise the conclusions are likely dubious.

    I read that COVID transmission in the outside environment is highly dependent on weather conditions. Interesting considering this is a wx forum.

  8. 1 hour ago, Amped said:

    Seems Legit

    New York ----------------277,445        
    New Jersey-------------102,196        
    California ---------------40,812        
    Africa ---------------------28,109



    If nothing else too conservative ... this will be around for a long time. It will be an extended struggle.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Eskimo Joe said:

    It's good to see testing and timely results coming in.  As others have said, that will definitely spike the cases and that shouldn't alarm folks.  This will allow public health to isolate infected individuals.  For transitioning from phases to phase of re-opening we will be looking closely at supply chain integrity of PPE, ICU bed counts, hotspots in places like nursing homes, and number of vents being used.  This needs to continue through the summer and into the fall so we can maintain the isolation protocols.

    Let's prioritize the coming global famine if and when possible.

    • Confused 1
  10. 1 hour ago, RDM said:

    Just finished reading the banter generated since yesterday.  Wow...  This is not directed towards anyone, nor any group on "either side of the aisle" - just an observation from a long time lurker, occasional contributor and voracious reader going back to the days of Eastern...   

     The intolerance generated on both sides of the liberal/conservative debate is saddening.  I wish there was some way for us to assume a little more noble intent and extend more tolerance to each other regardless of which side of the aisle we're entrenched. (a LOT more noble intent would go a very long way).  In the days of Eastern and early days here it wasn't nearly so edgy, ever.  

    On matters of opinion, everyone has the inherent option to share one's views - at least we do here in the USA.  Doing so should be presented with respect and consideration that others may not share in the same view; and that it's ok to disagree.  Again; it is ok to disagree, at least it should be, provided it is exercised respectfully on both sides.  Any conversation without mutual respect is hardly a conversation worth having.  

    We must be able to disagree if we ever have the chance to learn from one another.  If everyone else were to think the same way any of think as individuals, what a sad state we'd be in.  As I used to tell my subordinates, none of us ever learn anything when we're talking.  Likewise, a key characteristic of a great leader is those who can actively seek out and respect opinions from others who think differently in order to obtain the best vantage point from which to make an informed decision.

    We live in the greatest country this world has every known.  Most of us don't fully appreciate the freedoms living in the USA provides us; and take the same for granted.  Unless you've lived in another country for extended periods of time where the same freedoms are only dreams; it's just not possible to comprehend how great we have it here.  I've had the honor of serving our country in multiple other  countries for extended periods throughout in my 35+ year career.  This included traveling to countless different countries and remote  destinations where many facets of our freedoms are not only a pipe dream, but exercising anything remotely resembling our level of freedom will get you incarcerated or worse.   

    One of the things my wife and I were recently discussing is the heightened level of intolerance in the USA that's grown in recent years.  We are and will remain hopeful the potential existed for the current situation with COVID to serve as unifying force for our country.  COVID represents one of the greatest challenges in modern history for the USA and for the world.  We must find the courage to put differences aside and muster the best possible response and it starts with respectful dialogue and debate.  Without the underlying premise of respect; it's difficult to build anything constructive.  

    The eternal optimist in me has not dulled the hope the potential is still there to rise above whatever may divide us to bring ourselves more together; not apart.  Somehow, I hope we're able to exercise the same unifying potential here in this forum to look ahead, be a little more tolerant of one another and extend the noble intent everyone deserves.

    Sincerely to all. 

    Back in the days of old it would of been a blood bath and whoever survives rules the Earth indefinitely going forward. I suspect we may be going there ...again regrettably.

    The liberal classes are kind of an artifact of civilization. It's always been the case.

  11. 2 hours ago, H2O said:

    Future considerations.  but they have to be liberal

    I was only coming here to be entertained by the semantic liberals. This is way better than CNN.

    Like how owning a Volvo could be so insightful. Liberals are low maintenance

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, SnowGolfBro said:

    Then i will be wrong and the lockdowns will continue.  

    It's not up to you. Sorry but no .. you will be arrested and contained if you break lock-down. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.


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