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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. so you'd value gfs-para runs at this point more than gfs operationals? Intriguing
  2. Reverse weenie psych != actual objectivity. Where is the data that shows euro is worse in the mid-range? Anectodes aren't data
  3. Ah I think I understand? Because we don't actually have a perfect image of the data, we create mutliple plausible assumptions? And the OP uses some iteration of that? I guess physics equations are pretty much of a constant lol
  4. what exactly is the difference in each member? do they value certain things more or something? i assume they take in the same data, would make no sense otherwise
  5. still thinking that storms always track SW-NE. Not the case with this one necessarily
  6. Again, glad this run happened several days out as opposed to 48 hours before flakes fall (or don't)
  7. 12-18 is a big solution for folks who haven't seen 6" since March 2019. I'll take plowable and blinking snow emergency lights
  8. gets completely shunted east, yeah. confluence really that strong?
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