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Everything posted by EMontpelierWhiteout

  1. Thanks. I’m counting on upslope machine cranking tonight.
  2. What’s the word from Mansfield? I heard from a friend who skied today there was not much accumulation.
  3. I had the opportunity to sample the entire I89 corridor out on a site visit for work today. Left home at 7:15 with 2” of paste here at 1200’ in E Montpelier. Then headed north up to Lake Carmi. Snowing pretty steadily and accumulating till about the Bolton Flats then really rain/snow mix was more prevalent. Roads were fine except for a little burst of heavier snow south of St Albans where some glop was accumulating on the roads. Could really see even with dense cloud cover that March sun angle was working because black pavement surfaces were noticeably clearer than newer lighter pavement sections during that heavier burst. From Saint Albans on to Carmi and for the remainder of the morning just light snow/rain mix with no accumulation. On my ride home, precip became steadier the further south but it still seemed pretty wet with not a lot of evidence of accumulation. That changed on a dime around the Middlesex exit when clearly I entered a zone where heavy accumulating snow had fallen, I think where deformation band had setup during the morning. Then sat for 1 1/2 hr on the highway due to accidents. Thick Compacted slush all over the roads. On arrival back in parking lot in Montpelier 6-8” on the ground. Very wet. At home about an hour ago I measured 12” compacted new. That’s one measurement so am guessing at least 13 or 14” overall. Interesting day, interesting storm. We’ll see what round 2 holds.
  4. For awhile there it was snowing harder than I have seen all winter. Great little quick burst. I love these little events that surprise.
  5. Seems like this is a week where winter is overperforming. Dumping snow right now in East Montpelier. Totally unexpected based on Eye on the Sky forecast I heard a few hours ago.
  6. See like forecast has not picked up on upslope snows but from my house in E. Montpelier looking west their is a solid mass of convective type clouds along the spine.
  7. Just popped on my outside light and lo and behold heavy snow, huge flakes.
  8. Ripping wind and sideways snow showers right now.
  9. If we can get through the Sunday mess, looks like next week has potential to be a spike on the curve.
  10. Great morning at Stowe. A lot of snow in the woods, although ome icy spots to remind you what is underneath. Nice large flakes falling gently most of the morning. Big fluff factor.
  11. 3.5" here in East Montpelier. There is just so much snow right now around the house. Just had to dig out access to our propane tank and windows on our standing seam roof barn/garage are essentially covered with the sliding snow. Our little rain events have not really dented the snowpack and with these little refreshers, snow banks just keep climbing and climbing. Gotta love a real Northern New England winter.
  12. Now I know why I had to shovel and clear my car again this morning. With another close to 2" overnight, storm total right about 1' here.
  13. With final squally burst this afternoon, I finished with right around 10". I liked the different aspects of this storm.
  14. 5" measured at 10:15. Have averaged around 3/4" per hour for the event, but likely an inch per hour over last 3 hours. Also seeing larger flakes mixing in. Snowing at a good clip now.
  15. 5" just measured. With start time around 3:30 have averaged 3/4" per hour. Snowing moderately.
  16. 3.75". Air filled with small flakes and piling up faster than expected.
  17. Snow intensity starting to ramp up here with reduced visibility. For some reason, State of VT already on a delayed opening for tomorrow. That never really happens for a 6-12 " storm.
  18. Great credit to the grooming crew at Stowe. With the conditions on all non groomed areas virtually unskiable, I had a great morning skiing groomers with my daughter this morning. There were definitely icy patches, but plenty to edge into. We had the benefit of non existent crowds. It is amazing how the skier traffic accelerates the loss of nice groomed surface. Yesterday, with larger weekend crowds, things got pretty dicey by 11:00 am.
  19. That all makes sense. Thanks for the advice.
  20. I know you are associated with the mountain. Any advice on whether conditions will be passable either tomorrow or Thursday. Looking to ski with my daughter once during her week off from work. With the freeze tonight, worried a bit about ice. It would be her first day out. Thursday looks to be back above freezing on the mountain with light winds and some morning sun. Will grooming work out some of the kinks by then? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
  21. Snow starting cranking in N Central VT about 1 1/2 hours ago. Large flakes. 1"+/hr rates.
  22. Was on that Lift when it went down yesterday. Was close enough to ground to ditch skis, slide out and down, grab the foot rest bar and drop 4 or 5 feet into pretty soft snow. Some weren't so lucky and spent 2 1/2 hours waiting to be lowered. It was not brutally cold but enough wind and snow to I'm sure make it miserable.
  23. Storm went BOOM in N. Central VT about 4:00 with 2"/hr rates, right at afternoon commute time. Was living vicariously through my sisters in Southern NE all day but now just have to look out the window. 10" storm total and still ripping. Look forward to seeing storm totals from Mass tomorrow morning.
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