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Everything posted by Wetbulbs88

  1. I’ve been thinking the same the whole time. I know it’s been brought up a thousand times but January 2011 is a good analog for that sort of dominance. A weaker wave passed and set up the bowling ball the following night.
  2. Has been for a while. I'll take that any day.
  3. Not for our area...Also think the Euro is much snowier overall.
  4. For my part I'm just dissecting. Overall very happy with this run. Massive improvement every run since 0z.
  5. That's true, but I don't think it's totally removed from that situation and even the model shows better lift to the north. I know I'm kind of contradicting myself there but I'm just going by experience. For example even if I lived in Ellicott City still I'd be much happier with that scenario verbatim.
  6. As mentioned in reply to a similar post, the temps wouldn't be the issue. We wouldn't get that QPF stack in that scenario. It was too light around our area and the GFS operational can't depict subsidence. Again, it was another massive improvement though so overall very happy with this run.
  7. The temps won't be the issue this time. We wouldn't get under the bands necessary to get to those levels. In reality it would be spotty and riddled with subsidence. But it's just one run of one model that improved toward better guidance so I don't want to act like I'm bummed about it or anything.
  8. The lack of juice is a little meh. Over that long a timeframe it won't get the job done around metro areas. But big improvement.
  9. Right??? He’s a salesperson. Not a met.
  10. How do people still take him seriously? Honestly I’m not bashing him but he is so irresponsibly early/bullish with his calls. Every. Single. Time. His record is appalling if you take him for his word 3-5 days out.
  11. Wait so the upcoming event is now back in this thread? Or all events proceeding that one?
  12. Oh I know I’m just kidding. I was pretty burned by the last storm, stuck between meso bands in subsidence. Being near the jackpot 72 hours out is not as good a feeling as one would think lol.
  13. You’re so generous. Only if you were behind the levers!
  14. Wait what happened to Thursday? Are we already out of the game? Just checking in after doing some work.
  15. Yeah for sure. We’ve threaded the needle before, it can happen again.
  16. Sounds like a kiss of death for any type of biggie. But I guess that’s what happens when relying on an antecedent airmass.
  17. Really? Pretty sure it was way farther southeast and weaker.
  18. We have yet to see a North trend when we need it...or a south trend when we need it...so I like it just where it's at Was about to say, honestly I’d rather just be in the bullseye and just hope this isn’t a tough one for the models to handle. And I’ll be damned if we’re not getting better agreement than we’ve seen in a long time. Don’t worry I won’t get my hopes up just yet though...
  19. If that means snow for central MD then count me in LOL.
  20. Same here. Damn valley. But I will say that growing up in Ellicott City I found it to be a fairly optimal place for being in the metro area.
  21. I’m surprised so many are saying these are the biggest flakes they’ve seen. Maybe it’s just my area. I wouldn’t be surprised because rates never really picked up here. We’re pretty close to Arlington too. We don’t even have an inch and zip on the roads.
  22. Has the opposite effect in low lying areas. Rates are usually half of what radar suggests.
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