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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. I've heard that from various critics and others about the original 3 "Star Wars" trilogy movies, and I agree. It's perhaps the most tightly packed and developed of them all...not to mention the most serious plot-wise. Not to say the other 2 aren't great too, but "Empire" is a cut above. And the one where Lucas did the least to mess it up in the re-makes and re-re-makes!! I swear I remember in the re-make Lucas added Luke Skywalker yelling as he fell down the shaft after Vader cut off his hand, which I think was unnecessary and ruined it. But a later "release", that yell was removed (and thus returned to how it originally was). It was so much more effective to watch him silently let go and knowingly fall rather than give in to Darth Vader. Have a GREAT time, always great on the Big Screen!!!
  2. Objects in mirror are closer than they appear?? Aren't cigarettes bad for your health? Oh, wait a minute, I guess that doesn't matter!! I've been waiting a LOOOOONG time for a Cleveland Browns' winning season! (And still waiting!) Over my cold dead....errr, nevermind!! (ETA: Which reminds me of perhaps the shortest bar joke ever: A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer and a mop!)
  3. Couldn't resist Bob, but...it's time!!
  4. Oh, that's right...you are correct now that I think of it! I'm getting my cute animals mixed up here!
  5. Yeah, he might be tempted to kick puppies again!!
  6. When it comes to punting any kind of snow, this region is the Ray Guy of December!!
  7. Well, my daughter is a junior in HS this year, so I get to start worrying about college real soon myself!! (ETA: And congrats on your 2nd kid graduating UMD!! Very cool!! )
  8. I can't tell...is that a skeletal Michael Jackson in "Thriller", or John Travolta a'la "Saturday Night Fever"??? Not sure Eskimo Joe can match moves like that...
  9. I found a photo of the Reaper here in the Redemption Room recently...though it was rain, not snow! (ETA: I use this as a joke, but an awesome movie!! One of my all-time favorites, and too bad Morgan Freeman didn't get an Oscar for his performance in "Shawshank Redemption"!! In fact, too bad that movie didn't earn any despite several nominations.)
  10. I had seen the watches/warnings in that area earlier and it looked rough...didn't realize it was getting *that* bad...oy!
  11. My dark blue Honda Civic will probably turn grayish at some point by tomorrow!! Just like it does every winter...
  12. C'mon...you know how this place works! There's always room for worthless discussion, it's never "out of the way"!!
  13. I heard that Jeb runs that model... (And I say that all in good fun, Jeb!!)
  14. If I recall correctly, I believe the January 2016 blizzard benefited from a "bootleg" transient 50/50 at the time...so yeah, we can get those to work out (though good storms don't necessarily have to be as big as that event)! But as you say, a classic 50/50 -NAO is more stable...PD-II and our troika of HECS in 2009-10 are examples of the more classic -NAO events.
  15. Pretty much...general area of lat/lon, 50N/50W, that you'd want a large closed low at 500-mb (maybe a bit farther west than 50W, but 50/50 sounds better!). Classic location to get confluent flow over the northeast US, which funnels cold air down, and keeps a large, cold high in place (a'la cold air damming along the Appalachians). This effectively blocks any approaching surface low from "cutting" off to our west and northwest, and enables coastal low formation. Without some kind of 50/50, even a cold, strong high will just drift off to the east or northeast, a strong enough low will cut, and we'd end up with mostly rain or all rain.
  16. Well...a dusting of snow, or a light crust, is really all I expect where I'm at. But cannot say I'm disappointed in any way. Will at least get on the board somewhat, unlike last December. It will still be an impressive temperature drop and tomorrow will be a rude awakening after 50s today. Heh...maybe it will give me a chance to dust off the brush/scraper for the car tomorrow morning (if I can find it and dig the darned thing out)!!
  17. But we're heading toward a full moon this week, and it will be at a high angle. Things to consider. The thick cloud cover might help though.
  18. Funny, but as I was reading the first part of your post quoted here, after looking at the GFS (and GEFS) 500-mb plot...my first thought was "ohhh, overrunning would be nice with that look!" Two minds and all that, right? Anyhow, yeah, such an event would be great, as long as we avoid a hugely amplified wave I suppose (not much blocking). I know we're talking fantasy land time range at this point, but still.
  19. Dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria!!
  20. I say that every year during the Cleveland Indians' opening game!
  21. But the Panic Room has kicked it up a few notches this year! Just look at some of those resorts the Reaper invested in!
  22. Not as much as the Browns!! (this is coming from a native of northeast Ohio!)
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