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Posts posted by WarmNose

  1. 1 minute ago, mackerel_sky said:

    I hate a premature evacuation, but I’m looking over the cliff right now, and I only got one good shoe on... the other is a furry Croc! Atleast this week is going to be a little below normal!! Winning

    How bout that 12z GFS run last night? Woo wee. Teeth chattering cold. I better go add some insulation to the underbelly of my house 

  2. 4 minutes ago, LovingGulfLows said:


    If Atlanta can get an early December snowstorm that drops 5+ inches, then Charlotte certainly can with the right pattern.

    Seems like blocking has been the missing ingredient for the past decade. Maybe we can hold onto it for a while. We all need some snow here east of the mountains. Seems like this All Star lineup is coming together at the right time. Maybe a hair early, but it really is pretty dadgum perfect timing wise. 

  3. 19 hours ago, CAD_Wedge_NC said:

    I am already grey and old ...... but I have had the fortune of seeing several 12 inch+ snowstorms, thunder-snow, snow on Christmas Day and blizzard conditions with single-digit temps. Guess looking back at it, I have bagged my white buffalo. Maybe I will live long enough to see history repeat itself. I hope it happens this winter.

    The Christmas Day snowstorm is one that probably won’t be repeated. That was a long shot but we cashed in on some good fortune. I remember it started raining the afternoon of the 25th and I thought “here we go again” but within an hour it turned to big wet half dollar flakes and never switched back. I think that was one of the few times I’ve seen rates overcome around here and push the 850 line well to my south. It was a great day. One to remember and tell about to my kids and theirs  

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  4. 6 hours ago, scwxguy said:


    Makes me happy! Seeing snow and palm trees was just strange to me. I was caught off-guard with everything shutting down. I know it wasn't normal and it hadn't been seen in many years. Having moved here just in time for the first snow in years and then seeing posts on this thread showing coastal SC, GA and FL being the only below normal temps this winter on the forecast maps make me wonder if it is just following me and I need to move to Florida.

    Now I know I need to be prepared to not be able to eat out or hit the grocery store if it happens again. I had a police car pull up to me at a stoplight when I was out driving in it (literally one of the only cars on the road in the middle of the afternoon!) and he asked me where I was going and if I was ok to drive. I replied to him I'm fine to drive I have 36 years of experience in the snow, the question is are you ok to drive? He said fair enough and be safe!

    From talking with many of my neighbors I'm one of the odd ones. They've been waiting for cooler temperatures while I have felt an urgency to get out in the pool and beach as much as possible before the heat and humidity dissipates. I love the heat and humidity. When I lived up north I would sit outside and soak it in with a cold beer in the week or two we had of it. I just like hot weather and to me it never gets old, and neither do the pictures of sunshine and outdoor activities I share on Facebook with friends and family as they complain about yet another snowstorm B)

    Carry on!

    Yeah we get heat and humidity most of the year. We look forward to our 3 week window every year to score “the big one”.. We are chasing our great white buffalo and we will get it one day. It may be when we are all grey and old, but we will get it one day.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, BlueRidgeFolklore said:

    To be fair, that was Halloween night going into November 1st. I grew up in and have lived in these mountains my entire life. Even here it doesn't snow in October until late October if at all, and usually at high elevations. 

    To that point, I remember plenty of Halloween's with my children, trick or treating in shorts and short sleeves, and sweating, even here in the mountains. Heat in October is normal. Yes this rather extreme due to its unwavering nature but heat now isn't abnormal. This weather pattern has some of you vexed and thinking irrationally. 

    It'll change folks. Probably sooner than later. Hang in there. 

    Absolutely. I’m no old timer but I was born in the 80’s and I can remember more mild Halloween nights than cold. There’s nothing quite like a chilly Halloween night

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