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Posts posted by CNY-WXFREAK

  1. 1 minute ago, Syrmax said:

    Think RGEM and other models snow hoke in CNY due to the xfer process...if I wasn't lazy at  I'd post the NAM Skew-T's. This starts and ends liquid here.

    I just did, the 18Z but I didn't go any further.  So your saying it ends as a light rn drizzle type ****e?

  2. 1 minute ago, Syrmax said:

    I have 41 and also rain. We have a few hour window for snowfall until early afternoon. After the precip rate drops off the BL turns whatever is falling back to liquid.

    Nothing I looked at, saw or read said any of this but you may very well be right.  I saw a high tomorrow of 31 for KFZY so I guess we'll see!  Warning goes till 1AMN from KBGM which is quite surprising. anyway I'm still oprtimistic for at least 8" here so we'll see bruh!

  3. 1 minute ago, CNY_WX said:

    Looks like it’s trying to flip but still mostly rain. Temp has dropped to 36. 

    Same here and its all snow in KFXY, go figure.  Do they have any sort of elevation in and around Fulton?  I think up near the airport is a bit higher.  I'm at 495' which means nothing but they can be a bit higher.  Wouldn't take much at all.

  4. I'm just hoping there isn't a Coastal that quickly rips away the energy over the area as that is a distinct possibility, but rather I'd love to see this morph onto a stacked ULL right over NYC and let it sit and spin for 6-10 hrs as that would be the most ideal situation but not likely.  Its beginning its transfer, but should do so slowly, or at least thats what the guidance shows.  I stiill think there will be some definite surprises with this monster IMO.

  5. 28 minutes ago, CNY_WX said:

    Still nothing here. 37/33.

    I'll give it another hour an it'll be pounding rain here with a quick changeover, I hope, but the new discussion out of KBGM says it will rain till mid morning before changing over SE of the lake along the lake plain but I just can't see that happening but anything can happen here and its not usually good.  Good for all you guys who are experiencing a hybrid Nor'Easter, lol, as I have experienced about 20 while living in Jersey City.

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