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Everything posted by psv88

  1. My neighbor placed his oscillating sprinkler next to the fence and it’s spraying my pws. Incredible. Never happened before lol.
  2. Interesting Tom. Could explain why north shore can roast on marginal sea breeze days
  3. Yup. The coast hits 100 usually with a strong dry wnw wind. These days have been rare last several years. good luck on 100
  4. Away from the coast yes. Winds really need to be wnw here to really roast, like last Sunday. For NJ it’s a different story.
  5. What about Orange County, NY? Is included in the “as we thought” bucket?
  6. Earliest I’ve ever woken up to cut the grass. Covered in sweat. 89/77/102
  7. ISP 89 at 9 am also. Whoa baby! Never seen that before
  8. May not bode well for hitting 100. It seems like we always fight storm debris when trying hit 100.
  9. Topped out at 85.5 here, we were socked in longer than those further west, and the southerly flow kept us cooler
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