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BGM Blizzard

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Everything posted by BGM Blizzard

  1. KC secondary is also Swiss cheese. Won't be able to stand in the pocket long but might not have to if people are wide open in the middle of the field.
  2. KC and Cincy will probably be another shootout. First to 40 wins. They went back and forth in a 34-31 game just a few weeks ago in Cincinatti. Both teams are playing at the top of their game right now and Cincy although inexperienced is playing with nothing to lose as no one expects them to win.
  3. Ideally they shoulda kicked it deep but not into the endzone... like the 5 or 10 yard line to make him field it and run for few seconds. Or atleast if the runner gave himself up they'd be at the 10 or 15 to start instead of the 25. Who knows if it would have changed the outcome.
  4. ENY is definitely due for sure. But hopefully ENY is the right goal post and not the left. We take pleasure in watching New England melt.
  5. That would be a good storm for the snow starved ENY folks. But hard to swallow for the rest of us. If it's going to miss the entire forum to the east, hopefully its OTS like the GFS.
  6. Yeah I've been watching that ridge axis out west as well. A positioning near the longitude of Boise, ID is usually ideal for C PA to C NY.
  7. Starting to lose hope for next weekend. EPS and GEFS are way east. It's probably an I-95 and/or New England storm or nothing.
  8. Ha...hell no, I'm a safe 15 miles nw of the city but not quite to toofless land.
  9. GEM looks like a would-be full phase job. It would go ape shit and retrograde a fantasy 950mb mslp to Jamestown.
  10. Got down to -8.4° this morning. Euro showing -20s here Saturday AM. If we ain't snowin, give me the SER!
  11. Latest NWS grid forecast for snowfall thru 18z Friday. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/weather-climate-models/national-digital-forecast-database
  12. 44° and mostly sunny skies at this hour. Feels like late March. Solid melting in progress.
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