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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. CTP raised forecast highs for Wednesday and Thursday a good amount...82 from 74 for Wednesday and 78, up from 71 for Thursday.
  2. Our son that lives in Houston is still here and is loving this weather. He laughs at those here who are complaining.
  3. Party sunny and 84. Pretty typical weather for late August.
  4. You are with rain like the Clearfield of snow. It just happens.
  5. We had a late rally: 1pm - 82, 2pm - 84, 3pm - 88, 4pm - 90. Today was the first day this year I hit 90 when it wasn't at least 80 at 11am.
  6. Welp...today marks the 16th time this year that I hit 90. Of those 16 times, today was the 7th time it got to 90 and no higher. Currently sunny, very humid and 89.
  7. Supposedly Pressley Harvin was booming 50 yard punts in middle school and now he's on the verge of losing his job in Pittsburgh due to his maddening inconsistency. Hopefully that young man you're talking about keeps improving. Kickers are a rare breed...or as Buddy Ryan said - "he's a kicker, not a football player"
  8. You know, I did that once years ago and didn't work out so well. I'll just say that I think (gulp) that a lot of employees respect and appreciate my willingness to hang out on their turf from time to time. Is it a sacrifice for me? (and my wife) Sure...but the benefits outweigh the pain.
  9. I didn't really have much time to post but I had the radar up on my screen...it's been a long time since I've seen a line/area of storms that was as intense and large in coverage as last night. If you can go back and loop overnight you'll see what I mean.
  10. Had meetings on 3rd shift last night so I was up all night. Radar overnight was epic coming out of western PA, shocked that it fizzled on our doorstep. Picked up 0.23" here.
  11. Pretty much everything right now is west of the river in the LSV.
  12. This will change 109 times, but right now CTP is forecasting Sunny with a high of 72 a week from today. That would be a -9 departure on a sunny day.
  13. 73 here with a mainly cloudy sky. Dew is up to 62 now.
  14. Very low expectations for tonight. Hope to be pleasantly surprised.
  15. Same here - and I think the dewpoint went up 5 notches with it.
  16. Didn't realize that you lost your composure (though it's understandable) - will there be a fine with the T or did you not reach your 16th infraction yet?
  17. Good news - today should mark the 16th BN high for the month.
  18. This morning's POP% for Maytown: Tonight: 70% Tomorrow: 50% Tomorrow night: 90% Current POP% Tonight: 30% Tomorrow: 50% Tomorrow night: 70%
  19. Today will be the 15th day of the month with a BN high temp here.
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