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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. At work today facilitating orientation...new employees are amused by the weather geek. It is just pouring snow here. Poor newbies....
  2. MAG mentioned it just yesterday after I brought it up earlier in the week.
  3. Horst: 1-3" followed by sleet and then rain. Snow around 9:00AM, rain out of Lanco by 4:00PM.
  4. One of the most satisfying aspects of the past few weeks to me is being in the "refill pattern." One thing that has been rare for years is snow on snow. This past week I had bare spots. Thursday took care of that. There will be a lot of melting today, hopefully tomorrow takes care of that. It's been fun all the way around - lots to track, lots to admire on the landscape. Good times...
  5. Maybe not, it's way out there - I still like the potential for storm #2 next week way more than the Monday deal. (though at this point, some snow is more likely with Monday's deal than the end of the week) Monday looks like a few hours of precip - get it here early enough and it's a couple/few inches of snow. I don't see much more potential for that. Later next week looks more intriguing for potentially a more significant event, but it's way out there and details will be nebulous for a few more days at least.
  6. Holy crap - you did really well this morning. I ended up with .1" more than you.
  7. If it comes in first thing, maybe. Like you said, it's a borderline situation and if it's going to work, timing is everything.
  8. Picked up .6" of new snow this morning to give me a final storm total of 4.9". Season to date is now 32.1" It's been a very good Nina for sure.
  9. I've been looking at Monday much like Nut was looking at yesterday. Meh. I've given it zero thought or attention. Guess I'll have to look into it somewhat...
  10. All of the forecasts for yesterday were for more snow north, more mix (less snow) south. At least in Lanco the exact opposite happened. Southern parts of the county received 6-8", north of Rt. 30 it was closer to 4". You just never know.
  11. Same here - I got double midtown Harrisburg. Then again, Holtwood, which is about 20 miles south of me, got 8".
  12. .1" here. I slant sticked up to that. 4.4" storm total, 31.6" for the season.
  13. MDT and my total have never been closer in all my years living in Maytown. I'm at 31.5 YTD.
  14. No - that map was valid at 7:00AM this morning. You have to subtract this morning's snowfall.
  15. That Euro map was valid at 7:00AM this morning so keep that in mind. That's an additional 1" for me if accurate.
  16. They're hard to ignore, (try as I do) but a lot of people love them, so my feelings are definitely in the minority and I respect what others want to see. There's no harm in them so long as people understand that they'll end up with somewhere around 5-10% of ground truth if you add up the totals on the maps. It's when people see 17" over their house and expect it from a 6 hour storm that I start to pull my hair out.
  17. CTP going for 1-3" additional snowfall tonight through mid morning tomorrow.
  18. Oh no...I hate clippers. So many ways to fail with those. We've had some notable exceptions for sure, but I never count on much of anything from them. They really should be renamed "Mountain Shredders". One positive is they are high ratio events. You can score 3-4" of fluff from like .10" of QPF. So there's that.
  19. Highest officially reported amount to Mt. Holly that I just checked was a 9.5". Some serious weenie reporting going on in the Philly thread, or a VERY localized dump in that area. I should have known better than to post weenie info - I take people for face value and assume they're reporting factual totals. My apologies.
  20. True that. And that PHL post of mine was WAY off - 2 hours ago the airport was at 0.6"
  21. I was having fun. You've done well and it's been LONG overdue up your way.
  22. Horst (2 minutes ago) on more snow prospects: The back edge is coming fast! A classic warm advection event that plays out in ~6 hours...and so the worst will soon be behind us. As mentioned earlier, a trailing upper-level system may yield a bit of "bonus" light snow tonight into Friday AM. But we'll see about that...
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