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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I was in St. Maarten years ago and made it a point to go to Maho Beach to watch the jets coming in. If you're (anyone) not familiar with this phenomena, go to Youtube and type in "Maho Beach jet landing". As crazy as it looks on video, it's something else to experience...
  2. @Voyager and myself find it entertaining to watch trains on live cams...
  3. Yep - I honestly feel badly for them. DC will never be mistaken for the Swiss Alps, but it's hard to duplicate what's happened the past 2 years specifically. And to think that less than 50 miles north of the metro, Hoffman is over 50" and counting...
  4. In life it's a lot easier to be content when things are going well. I mean...at the end of the day, it's only snow. But to snow weenies like us, it's a big deal. The DC area has been royally screwed for the past FEW years. I'm sure our mood would be a little different if we were going through what they are. Just saying.
  5. I don't think DCA has had a 1" snowfall in over 2 years? That's crazy.
  6. Although...those around DC metro have averaged about 6" for the season, some in northern VA have had even less. If I was sitting at 6" and Williamsport was nearing 40" like I am, I might be ready to toss as well. They do like to complain, but they've had a lot to complain about the past several years.
  7. I could not agree with you more. I do like it cold, but I also despise warm weather during the winter. The lack of a real thaw has been incredible this season - even when the ground was bare and it wasn't snowing, it wasn't far off, either. At no point this winter did it really feel like anything else.
  8. Speaking of ice on the river - even last winter, ever so briefly, there were a couple of days where I saw ice on the Susky heading back and forth to work. This is the first year in my life (I'm 55 and have lived within a few miles of the river since birth) that I have not seen ANY river ice at all. 37" of snow with zero ice on the river - that's a neat little trick right there.
  9. I don't think there was much "snows gone" chatter. I made a post that I believe I'd see bare ground by sunset tomorrow. Absolutely still believe that...there are areas in my yard right now that I'm down to about 3" and that will NOT through the day tomorrow. My shaded and more protected areas are in much better shape and will last a few additional days. I also believe, and have been saying, that I don't think winter is done by any stretch. I think it WILL snow before we close the books. That doesn't change what will happen in my yard over the next couple of days. And snow melting aside, it's been an awesome winter. (which I've said multiple times recently)
  10. I report my totals to the MU Weather Center - Maytown is well represented...there are 2 of us that report totals. I used to report them to Mr. Horst, I'm not sure who gets them now, but I'm still reporting and they're still available for the public to view.
  11. I'm still holding out hope that we get at least a brief reprieve and a better look heading toward mid March. I'm expecting a 1993 redux this year.
  12. It's already pretty gusty here - 34 degrees when I arrived at work with water running from snow melt at 7:30am.
  13. It'll be interesting to see what you have at sunset Wednesday. That's a lot more than what I have on the ground - I might not have been quite as bold if I had the amount you have....
  14. I have seen that said a lot in here lately - I don't know...I was told when I was young that I was very perceptive and had sharp intuition. Right now, my perception is that the snow is melting like crazy and I see no way this survives the next 48 hours. Tomorrow alone will kill a lot of this off. It's been a terrific run the past several weeks.
  15. My wife measured well, thanks for the confirmation! I could SEE the difference between Columbia (less snow) and home. (more snow) Sort of surprised you didn't have bit more on top of the hill though.
  16. That would be fantastic. Might as well take a run at 50"!
  17. Wasn't home for measurements today...asked my wife to do her best, she got an average of 4.5" from 3 separate measurements. Going with 4.5", that takes my season total to exactly 37". WAY more than I would have imagined going into this winter - I'm thrilled.
  18. What the heck- 100% sleet here. Transitioned from heavy snow to driving sleet in just a few minutes.
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