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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. Oh yeah, it is snowing again. Glad Alex reminded me to check. LOL
  2. This was my first time here in Randolph with it snowing (I was in MD for the past two weeks and missed the other events). I quickly drove around as we changed over to snow, and I can say I observed firsthand some of the factors that posters such as @ORH_wxman @dendrite and @alex told me about the area. For example, the precip rapidly faded and mixed mostly back to rain as I headed west on 2 towards Lancaster. It was a noticeable drop-off just outside Randolph. Jefferson is the dividing area. The snow was coming down well at my house, but as I drove into Gorham it quickly turned to rain and then further up 16 the precip basically ended totally. Dry air clearly affecting that area. I feel like in Berlin they may have seen stars or just high clouds. Any snow weenies living in Berlin must be miserable knowing what is just up the hill... The radar was really fun to watch. The snow area on the radar started as a circle over Mt Adams/Madison and then as the snow line lowered the circle grew, and once it encompassed my house we switched to snow pretty soon afterwards. I thought that was pretty helpful and more accurate than I expected. This was on the MyRadar app on iPhone, BTW. Anyway, it was just one super-marginal event, but I thought this was neat to see. I am excited to see an upslope pattern early next week to see how Randolph does. I feel pretty good about my chances, but of course these snow shower patterns can be about luck sometimes too.
  3. Surprised you never mixed with snow at least. This whole thing was super marginal for sure.
  4. Where are you again? Near Alex right?
  5. 31 with light snow falling. A coating on some surfaces. It pulses to moderate every once in a while.
  6. Thermo down to 31. In MD we would call this a “cold snow” LOL
  7. Plain rain in Gorham just down the hill. LOL Randolph!
  8. 34 lt rain. Wasting QPF sucks. feels like md winter.
  9. 36 lt rain. Temp has been dropping pretty well It feels pretty close to a flip.
  10. All the models show me getting at least 2-3 inches now. The Canadian models are more like 3-5. The ICON is the best, but I see no reason to pay that any mind. Now just hope that everything verifies a little north of guidance.
  11. The observer very close to me in Randolph averages 185” for what it’s worth. I am still a newbie to the climo here so no idea what that means for him. Just a data point. I am at 1550’, the observer is 1750’ or so.
  12. The latest runs seem to like the idea of a finger of the good stuff tickling my house. I’m up for it.
  13. Can we get back to model disco ya’ nuts? LOL
  14. Wicked precip cutoff just south of me. Brutal.
  15. NAM keeps up the trend from 12z.
  16. Damn. Snow magnets to full power!
  17. The UKMET always seems to be headed in the opposite direction from the varsity models. I am told it’s the “second best model” however. Perhaps at the very top layer of the atmosphere close to outer space it’s pretty accurate. Maybe they can use it on the ISS to predict conditions in the thermosphere. It’s useless here planet-side.
  18. Best clown map for Randolph for a while.
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