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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. This one came in fast. Mod going for a while now.
  2. Businesses get to offload costs for rent, utilities, cleaning, food/drinks, Internet/TV services etc. to employees. I can see the appeal for some businesses.
  3. I hear that from a lot of people these days. It can strain a marriage for sure. People bought homes thinking bedrooms and bathrooms not two offices and a conference room. LOL
  4. Yeah, wintry appeal is back over here too. Pack is way below normal but it's fluffy and windblown so it looks like a lot more than it is.
  5. Widespread WFH policies have basically become a backdoor way to get at social changes in working habits that some have advocated for decades. Something more akin to European practices. We all know they guy logging 8-10 hour days WFH is not actually working that much. We all know it, don't deny it. There is also downtime in the office too, of course. And removing commutes has made some people more productive early and late in the day, in my experience. I have noticed it with a few employees. I'm not a big fan of it still for junior employees. The 18-25 cohort has really been struggling from what I have seen. It's hard to learn the ropes over the phone during telecons and Teams meetings. They just never really become a part of the team workflow and usually end up sitting around in the background. The quality of work products for anything that requires collaboration and iteration between teams has taken a hit. Those sorts of activities take a lot longer to complete now. A giant phone call with 20 people is a lot harder to manage than in an in-person meeting of the same size. Solitary work is fine with WFH. Like most things, WFH has good and bad aspects. I would say 75% of my staff would prefer to be back in the office at this point, and that includes some more junior staff who some would assume would only want WFH. I think we lose sight of the fact that work was often the number 1 place that people socialized and that has been cut off for many people. Leads to isolation. Young people can easily spend days and days barely ever leaving the house if they don't go to work. That's unhealthy, but that kind of behavior has literally been encouraged and/or mandated for 2 years now...
  6. Best case scenario is NNE gets through the first system with minimal rain and just a mostly dry torch period and then we get the follow up overrunning event to replenish the pack. GFS/CMC/Euro all kinda show this now. Doesn't look like a warm atmospheric river at least.
  7. 00z GFS turns the follow-on system early next week into a nice snower for NNE.
  8. They are surprised because they didn't expect to see a guy hiding in the bushes taking pictures of them entering and exiting the restaurant in a snowstorm.
  9. LOL yeah that's some real fluffer stuff right there. The tire tracks are packed down and surrounded by cotton.
  10. Snowed lightly here all day, have maybe 1.5" Rates never really got to moderate.
  11. Can’t close the shades yet since it is snowing here now.
  12. I’ve given up on snowpack this season. The pack I have now is mostly fake snow type consistency which will be easily obliterated. Just hoping to book end the shit sandwich with 6-8.
  13. It looked drier to me than the prior two cutters and then appeared to have a follow up wave that went south. Maybe optimism goggles on my part.
  14. In a lull at the moment. Looks like about a half inch out there so far. Snowy day so far but not amounting to much on the ground.
  15. Euro looks decent for NNE for the weekend/early week mess. A net gain for sure.
  16. Looks like the aftermath of a "peaceful, but fiery" protest in Portland.
  17. It's been a good season for me since I like firm, fast conditions on the groomers. Been pretty subpar if you like natural trails and the woods, IMO. The groomers around here are just about perfect for me right now. Very firm but no ice. The natural trails are pretty rough. Not really fun. The natural trails were really good from the end of January to mid-Feb but then they went bad. Before that they were super thin.
  18. I really think a Chinese confrontation over Taiwan is coming soon, and it will finally reveal our weakness and lack of resolve to really close and fight to the end to protect our global interests. I have to think there is a growing hardliner faction in the Chinese politburo that wants to take Taiwan now.
  19. I hope everyone can see we are headed back into a multipolar world. The US can can longer dictate terms around the world as it could in the past. The post-WWII peace regime is breaking down. Threats are going to emerge from near-peer adversaries and we can't simply stamp them out by sending a delegation as we did in the past. We need to adjust. This has been a huge wake-up call to Europe. I don't think they will cling even more to the US after this. They will want to seek their own security arrangements. It's a watershed moment, IMO.
  20. Apparently they are treaty-bound to do so. Kind of reminds me of the lead-up to WWI where every nation had an ironclad treaty to follow and the dominos rapidly fell into a general war because every country was just "following the treaties."
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