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Everything posted by CapturedNature

  1. Interesting. That February is still my coldest month. It just edged out January 1994 which is followed appropriately by December 1989. Every other one is a January month that you would expect.
  2. I actually remember calling and talking to folks at Bradley WSO office when it was open and I was interning at a local TV station. Is part the showers in that part of Maine due to elevation change? The St Lawrence is sea level and isn't that part of Maine over 1-2K?
  3. Trees are going to start having that leathery look in a few weeks...
  4. After our discussions of temperature drift at ASOS sites I was looking at BDL and I did something I think I shouldn't have and that was running the temperature analysis going back to 2004. It took a really long time and I thought I broke it and was worried I overloaded the server but it did eventually return a graph. I would have expected drift both positive and negative at times but I thought it was interesting that it would just generally drift off in a positive direction before being corrected. Sure there are some negative drifts but does anyone know why it is generally a positive error?
  5. You should read the data. Yes, distraction plays a role, however in the vast majority (99.9%) of cases, there was some kind of change in routine prior to the incident. I agree with you about smart phone addiction. It's a rampant problem in society. It's just one of the factors though in these cases.
  6. Not saying there is but I'm just pointing out the data. Like another poster said, it has happened to people of all walks of life.
  7. Man, that's a shift. * I know this has been mentioned, but where do you bring those up again?
  8. But it's been dewy? Low evapotranspiration...lol
  9. Couldn't he use Blue Hills? It has a long record at the same site with the same equipment.
  10. I also wonder what impact all the wind and solar farms have. You have wind farms with wind mills that churn the air over a large area. That has to have an impact on the ability to radiate in those areas. Combine that with large solar farms which are essentially large black surfaces reflecting heat back into the atmosphere. There has to be some impact from that activity.
  11. NPR had a story on this the other day discussing techniques to prevent this and phone usage was not one of the reason why this happens. In almost every case there is a change in routine. Combine that with parents that are over tired and this is what happens. I'm sure none of us have ever forgotten to do something when our routine changes.
  12. Looking at my own record since 1985, most of my top 10 "coldest" September's were in the late 80s and early 90s. Only 3 (2006, 2009 and 2013) are since 2000.
  13. If you think that a January day with a high in 70s and Dp in the 40s is CoC for winter sports resorts, I don't know what to tell you. If that is your crazed definition then I'll add 6/23 with a high of 73 and low of 48. It's after mid-June which alone makes your statement false. I don't have Dp data for the other days because I don't record that in my weather record. I only make note of it if it's exceptional which was only 2 days this month. 7/8 is a close second by that definition as I think the Dp was in the 40s at some point but the max temp exceeds 75 which is YOUR crazed definition. Having said that, I stand by my prior statements that CoC varies by season and location. It is the ideal weather for that place and time and any of the days I gave you would fit that definition.
  14. I expected that and it will probably go up no doubt. It was just the misreading of tied numbers and claiming that one was higher than another. I know he's saying "Hartford Area" but that combines data from HFD and another stations so it's not one continuous record in one spot for 114 years. Who knows what BDL was reading prior to 1949 so it's just warmer than Brainard Field and other stations July records.
  15. Exactly. They miss every time someone says it was hot but mentions one of the nice days as if they didn't exist.
  16. LOL...talk about delusional, we've had several great days this month alone: 7/2 79/60 7/3 75/60 7/8 79/52 7/9 81/54 7/25 81/53 These were all precip free here. Perhaps They weren't as nice in Tolland?
  17. Well, that was the criteria used last year. Perhaps the flavor of the month has changed? I only used that because that is what Kevin used last year and I'm assuming (although that is very dangerous when it comes to his posts) that is what he meant by "dewiest". I like the approach that Brian had on average Dp and last year was not the top year.
  18. Why does it have to be a coastal location 90 miles away from where we live? How about HFD then? Both CT locations that will verify that we had a very humid month with 15 days with Dp's above 70.
  19. If you look at the number of hours with Dp's above 70, last year far exceeds previous years. This year we are well behind last year. There's still August to catch up.
  20. We tied, not ever. LOL...data comprehension
  21. Again, ignoring data that ever since you started using that term we've been racking up top 10 coldest March's.
  22. Who is? I don't see anyone doing that but I do see people (persons?) ignoring days with lack of humidity.
  23. Or, how about the fact that they have an average low of 70-71° in July. That's 7-8° above even BDL. Even in his so-called hottest July ever we can't average that. But, he'll refute that data.
  24. Who was saying that last year wasn't hot and humid!? LOL No one is saying this year hasn't been hot. No one. Last year we went 30 straight days with relentless humidity. This year we've had breaks. Why are you so anti-data? Oh and LOL at the notion that we have DC style summers now. No way did they ever average lows near 60 in the summer.
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