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CT Valley Snowman

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Everything posted by CT Valley Snowman

  1. Bear Mountain Salisbury, CT to the coast is 60 miles
  2. Looks wintry out there at least. Flurries now after a steady burst of snow a bit earlier.
  3. .8 on 12/20 T sleet/snow 1/1-1/2 16.1 season.
  4. Back to sleet, coating of snow/ sleet and a bit of glaze. 32.
  5. Wind has come down a bit. Woke me up around 540. Probably a 60 gust around than. Damage looks minimal. Pack was obliterated. Merry Christmas!
  6. Just hit 60 here as well. Pack is getting destroyed. Should be a nice green and brown morning.
  7. Up to 57.3 here. Merry Torchmas to all and to all a good night.
  8. High wind watches are coming for Rhode island and eastern Mass. Not enough confidence for CT yet per Box discussion.
  9. Tomorrow afternoon looks good for some light mood snow ❄️
  10. Down to 15 here. Should be a chilly one. This neighborhood tends to radiate well, rather flat and somewhat open. Temps on PWS range rom 14-20 across town. Sugarloaf's neighborhood a few miles south down by the Scantic river actually radiates even slightly better. I hope he's ok. Nothing but silence on his account for quite some time.
  11. 11.3 2 miles south of the Ma border here in Enfield.
  12. Subb zone here the past hour or so with mainly light snow
  13. First flakes about 8:06. Wind is fairly brisk.
  14. Reggie was definitely a little bit disappointing east of the river in far northern central Connecticut and West/Central Mass. I would think the subby zone would still be 9 to 12 easy unless this banding/ exhaust gets really extreme. Hopefully it's overdone.
  15. I'm thinking tolland and further northwest and Enfield were more like 12-to 14
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