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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Well that’s more my point anyway lol.
  2. Agreed 100%. December snow doesn’t mean much. It’s fun, and it’s nice. but it’s not gonna make or break a winter in SNE.
  3. Thank you. This is the point, and was my point to Whino and Ice. It’s quite simple. Ya we’d all love snow in late November and December, but as I, and now you, and others have explained, it usually doesn’t happen that way. That’s just the way it is in New England.
  4. GEFS schooling it again…? Happening a lot lately.
  5. Gorgeous here right now..50 plus degrees feels beautiful.
  6. I like it cold too…but I really don’t mind a warm up for a few days if it’s not gonna snow, or no chances for snow.
  7. It might do just that…9-10 days out everything in flux. I’m with ya if it’s gonna be weak/warm…we don’t need it.
  8. Take a break bro. It’s a good thing. We already know the next week to 10 days is mild…nothing new there.
  9. But it rarely snows exactly when folks think it should. And this MET Winter BS…that’s just for orderly record keeping made up by men. So now you think the weather should snow Dec 1st To March 1st, and be done? That’s Laughable. And what Stone Age? So astronomical winter is the Stone Age? More comical shit. We all know many times there’s a lag between when winter actually starts, and when it actually gets going, in most years. Just like every season. We go through this with every season. Yet somehow folks like you think cuz somebody made up a thing called MET Winter, MET Spring etc etc… that that’s when the seasons really start and end. My goodness you’re misled.
  10. No it’s not facts. Facts say Winter started a week ago. And goes to 3/21. That’s facts. And you watch how packed this place would be, if a March 10th Blizzard walked through the door in 10 weeks. Your statements make zero sense. According to some they don’t care about Jan or Feb snow either..only December. Get a grip.
  11. It’s all good Ice. I understand the want. I want that too. But that doesn’t happen here unfortunately. Ya 2011 was absolutely incredible. 93-94 was too, and 95-96 was off the charts. 2013 was great too. And ‘15 was very good(not as epic as out east), but very good nonetheless. It can be very good here as you know. But we never go wire to wire without some type of thaw/and or Rainer in there..even in the blockbuster yrs. And I understand the December snow idea…I like it too. But more times than not here, it doesn’t happen in a big way. Ya we’ve had some good December's of late, but that’s not always the norm. Sometimes it comes, sometimes not. That certainly doesn’t mean winter will be bad here…not at all. I love the snow whenever it comes, and Jan and Feb (especially Feb which features the most snow on average) are peak climo here…so I like it just as much then, as I would in December. And it is irritating that we couldn’t capitalize on a great set up this month…but sometimes that’s how it goes. No rhyme or reason to it, it’s just them are the breaks. Hang in there…let’s see what January and February brings, before we write off a “one week old” winter, Ok.
  12. Lmfao… Some folks just say such stupid things. Like if it doesn’t snow in December, it really has no business snowing at all the rest of the winter?? I mean WTF? . Hey winter is a week old, and if it doesn’t snow in the next 3 days…well then why bother. Such Absolute Lunacy. Just look above at the post before this. That’s a perfect example.
  13. Yup…i read it too lol. Hope it’s wrong. I got a friend who has a ‘22 with SS, he loves his…but he only got to ride it a couple weeks cuz he didn’t get it until end of Feb last season.
  14. Ahhh those were my teenage years! Some of the best times….in music anyway. And 4-8” was a great storm.
  15. Oh nice! Congratulations bud. Let me know what you think of them(smart shox)? Have heard some real good things. And have heard some say it takes some of the fun out of the sled(Gen 4 and Gen 5 Doos)?
  16. Lol…no daggers. I think we’re gonna be just fine here in SNE. A normal season is enroute. And that’s fine for me.
  17. Nice! I have an MXZ XRS(2021). Is yours a ‘23 Gen5?
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