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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. With warm weather due for most of this week, grass will start to grow. So I am in need of a new lawn mower. I have a little more than 1/4 acre so I am looking at a battery powered lawn mower. Anyone on here have one? Likes and dislikes? Thanks.
  2. We ended up with 1.72" from this storm. Currently it is 57/50.
  3. Now up to .85" with light rain continuing. Still 51/50.
  4. Rainy and cool today. Currently 51/50 with .50" so far.
  5. Started out at 36. Currently 56/44. Guess it will be awhile before we go back below freezing again.
  6. New month. New observations. Had a low of 25 this morning. Currently 58/32.
  7. Yeah, she is loving it. My wife wants to move up there after I retire and although I love snow, not a fan of long cold winters.
  8. Hey everyone, my stepdaughter and her family moved to Watertown back in September from Texas and she has been posting pictures on FB of this storm. Late today they had actual whiteout conditions where you could not even see the telephone poles on her street or even the stoplight 3 house down from her. She and her kids have been amazed at how much is falling. She easily has over 2 feet and is coming down hard still.
  9. Not much of an arctic front for us. Low of 27. Currently 41/24.
  10. Had some rain cooled air currently in place with temp of 42/38. Was 48 when I walked the dogs this morning. Picked up .03".
  11. Low of 28. Currently cloudy and 51/40.
  12. Picked up 1.76" this morning. Currently 66/60. Amazingly as soon as the rain quit and the sun came out, the wind died too.
  13. Oh please, please. This would make my winter. Of course it probably will not happen.
  14. Low of 19 this morning. Currently 33/16. Pressure at 30.74.
  15. Low of 23 this morning. Coldest of the season so far. Currently 30/7. Wind chill around 20.
  16. Just got back from a camping trip out by Morganton. Saw a few wet flakes on the drive up on Thursday between Winston-Salem and Statesville and again between Statesville and Morganton but that was it. Lots of rain on Saturday but woke up to clear skies and cool temps this morning. Had a great time but could have done without all the rain.
  17. Picked up 1.11" this morning. Currently 46/30.
  18. I highly doubt we will ever see a March storm like that ever again.
  19. So far for me: 1. Nope 2. Nope - short one coming - 1 day and 2 nights 3. Nope 4. Nope Other than a chance of flurries early Monday morning, I don't see any real chances of snow, sleet, or freezing rain this month. Hope I am wrong but I don't think so.
  20. 27 this morning with a heavy frost. Currently a pleasant 56/38.
  21. Who's house is that in picture #3. Gorgeous piece of property. Great photos by the way.
  22. Speaking of cold, what would be the chances of ever seeing a cold outbreak like the one almost 34 years ago this coming weekend. http://www.markvoganweather.com/2015/12/06/a-look-back-super-arctic-outbreak-january-1985/
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