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Everything posted by WVclimo

  1. Beautiful day to work outside today. Upper 40's and a gusty breeze with plenty of sunshine. Got all the garden beds ready and never broke a sweat.
  2. Third squall of the day. This one is a rain-snow mix that knocked the temperature down 7° in five minutes . Down to 35 .
  3. Second line of showers moving through now, and this time its mostly snow.
  4. Squall line just slammed through here with winds gusting above 50 mph. Rain was heavy but brief.
  5. This year starting off like last year. Normal precip through March 31 for my area is 8.78" So far, 12.07" has fallen.
  6. 2.47” storm total. Yards and farm fields are flooded . Standing water on a lot of area route .
  7. Just passed 2" here also. I can only find two March days with more than 2" at MRB: 2.31" on 3/4/1993 2.22" on 3/28/1984
  8. Winds kicking up now under the deform. 18 G28 and still pouring. Last year was the snowiest of my 56 birthdays, and today is the wettest.
  9. More rain than snow here but lots of flakes splattering on the windshield. 38 degrees.
  10. 1.63” of rain here in 12 hours. All the places that have repeatedly been flooding the past year are flooded again. We had just, finally, lost the new pond in our backyard for the first time in months yesterday. It’s all the way back.
  11. I thought as recently as yesterday that accumulating snow was unlikely at high elevations in our region. Busted on that one.
  12. Both 6Z NAMs say the flood watch should be extended to the west. Bullseye from OKV-HGR.
  13. I could see the high ground from Jonjon’s place down to Elkins picking up a bit of snow accumulation late tomorrow night into Friday morning. Not sure that rates will be sufficient by then to overcome the marginal surface temps for much more than an inch or two.
  14. A long duration blizzard is forecast for SE Wyoming, including Cheyenne. Wonder what kind of drifts can come from up to 18" of snow and 60 mph winds ?
  15. 11/15 - 7.4" 12/05 - 0.1" 1/12-13 - 6.8” 1/17-18 - 1.4" 1/19 - 2.0" 1/29 - 0.9" 2/1 - 2.5" 2/10 - 1.3" 2/11- 0.7" 2/20- 5.7" 3/1 - 2.3” 3/2- 0.8" 3/3- 4.4” 3/8- 0.7” total - 37.0” Only 3 of our 13 winters here in WV had more snow than this year.
  16. Beautiful wet snow event. 4th accumulating snowfall in 8 days this March. 0.7” today moves this winter’s total past 2014-15 here.
  17. Best rates of the day here at 33 degrees. No accumulation yet on the snow board in the back yard (that faces south.) Existing snow pack is getting a nice freshening though.
  18. My yard has been on a post-March 15th roll as well the past several years. 2018- 15.0" 2017- 1.0" 2016- T 2015- 4.0" 2014- 5.6" 2013- 5.1" average is 5.1"
  19. Not liking the timing on the NAMs. Snows here from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Earlier or later would be better for accumulations.
  20. Still have 2 to 3 inches of snow cover that’s frozen pretty solid . Seventh day in a row which is great for March . Stayed below 30° yesterday for the high . Last four mornings here have had lows of 18, 16, 15 and 17.
  21. For stats-padding purposes: if I could pick up a half an inch on Friday, this season's total snowfall would surpass 2014-15's. Still 2.5" away from double-digit snowfall totals for March. If that could somehow fall the rest of the month, it would give me 3 double-digit months this winter, which has only happened once in our 13 winters here in WV (2013-14)
  22. 11/15 - 7.4" 12/05 - 0.1" 1/12-13 - 6.8” 1/17-18 - 1.4" 1/19 - 2.0" 1/29 - 0.9"  2/1 - 2.5" 2/10 - 1.3" 2/11- 0.7" 2/20- 5.7" 3/1 - 2.3” 3/2- 0.8" 3/3- 4.4” total - 36.3”
  23. 4.4” in my yard. 7.5” now for March.
  24. Reached 35.3 degrees earlier in the morning, but seeing a nice drop in the past hour as the air saturates. Down to 33 now with some flakes falling.
  25. 34/21 with a light northerly breeze and a steady barometer. Only a bit of snow cover survived the warmth yesterday/ overnight.
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