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Everything posted by mappy

  1. woo another year! if you are new to the forum and haven't participated in seasonal snow totals in the past, please make sure to include your lat/long coordinates for your location. i have for years been making winter snowfall maps for our subforum and welcome all to keep track of their totals. the more data the better! lat/long coordinates can be found here: https://www.latlong.net/ you do not need to put your actual house location if you are not comfortable doing so, any location near you works just fine. heres hoping for a great end of the year map!
  2. Picked up a dusting this morning. School delayed 2 hours. Shame as I’m wide awake.
  3. 5.5” is the final. 32 now with freezing rain. Happy fall! .
  4. 5.5” more sleet than snow. Not sure I’ll accumulate much more unless it changes back to all snow .
  5. 29/28, snow, but sleet mixes in every now and again, 5" at last measure (30 min ago)
  6. 2.5", heavy snow, the mail lady got stuck across the street briefly.
  7. i posted a backyard pic on twitter. looks awesome up your way!
  8. sure is man. loving watching it snow, while working a little and hanging with the kid.
  9. back to all snow here. CC on radar really shows where the sleet is. big batch from eldersburg east through the city towards the eastern shore. southern edge down near severn. ellicott city on the western edge.
  10. got a little sleet mixing in now at my house
  11. same here, pouring snow well, i didn't pay attention over the weekend. and amazon has had horrible delays the last couple weeks with deliveries (I assume from the fulfillment center being damaged during the tornado), so just failed to get her new boots in time. the rain boots seem to be working just fine. thankfully her snow pants still fit.
  12. 28/25, ripping fatties and sticking to everything. measured a half inch. kiddo just went out to play with the dog. i was unprepared for snow and her snow boots from last year are too small, so she's wearing rain boots
  13. coming down now, instantly sticking to the deck and grass. no sleet, all snow.
  14. and just like that, its snowing. not sleet as far as i can tell.
  15. haha i know. ive just been reading people talking about their snow for almost 2 hours while I'm watching precip slowly creep north on radar
  16. being one of the furthest forum members north, and waiting for the snow to start, while the rest of you all are dancing in snow... is agonizing.
  17. Ha, she will need to learn to accept that not ever winter is gonna be amazing lol
  18. Mapkid keeps asking when the snow is gonna start. My love of weather is rubbing off on her and I couldn’t be happier
  19. 30/18 and a snow day for me and the kiddo Ok back to bed
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