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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. At least the snow seems to have stopped.
  2. Certainly feels summer like today. Cloudy, 50° and a howling wind. Someone said yesterday was the last of it.
  3. I can just imagine 93 from you North to the notch.
  4. Mood flakes, Cool breeze, doesn't get much better for April. A beauty!
  5. A nurse practitioner friend of mine had a similar experience. She got covid, received the vaccine a couple weeks later and was as sick as she'd ever been.
  6. A few showers won't help much with the drought.
  7. That ought to go over well with the recently installed.
  8. Playing Connecticut national on Friday. What's the forest fire outlook?
  9. With all the 80's next week and only showers on Sunday SNE is going to be a tinderbox!
  10. Saturday is looking like a chamber special ! Anyone (Hubb) know of where one might catch a daytime beer and some music? Stone Cow maybe?
  11. Clean out the gypsy moths and hornets first.
  12. Cool mornings, low dew points, and warm afternoons. COC-a-doodle-doo!
  13. Getting to be that time of the year.
  14. Mostly warm week with a couple of cool days mixed in.
  15. My six inch guess wasn't far off Another from Boylston.
  16. At the peak maybe four inches. The pictures are from Boylston they might have had closer to six.
  17. Couldn't pay me enough. I played pine hills the other day, 40's and windy. Can't imagine playing today.
  18. So much for the it can't accumulate during the day myth.
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