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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Productive post. Thanks for the insight!
  2. Why get annoyed? Move on. Plenty of dew point discussion in the other threads.
  3. most of you only complain on the internet, but meekly comply and do nothing. I thought January 6th was the violent overthrow of the government not a bunch of Yahoo's reading too much on the internet. Which is it?
  4. I want boats. I like the boats.
  5. Doctors? Aren't they the same folks who recommended thalidomide for pregnant women?
  6. I'm not really a hard liner either way. People don't want to take it that's fine, no skin off my nose. I had my shot because the preponderance of evidence seems clear that it helps . I never died from my childhood vaccines and only have two arms as we speak.
  7. I believe he was referring to the disagreeable mutation the has infected the thread.
  8. Labels and insults. How old are you?
  9. This CDC study good, CDC Provincetown study bad. Got it.
  10. Working like a charm. But the faster-spreading variant is finding its way even into states that outperformed in the vaccination campaign and have enforced strong mitigation measures. Twenty-three states and the nation’s capital have seen their seven-day average cases increase at least 50% in the past week, including such highly vaccinated states as Vermont, Washington state and Hawaii, according to CDC data.
  11. 76 on the nose. https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KCTMANSF18/table/2021-08-9/2021-08-9/daily
  12. I would think it with n95 it would be higher then 23% and with those flimsy cloth masks practically non-existent.
  13. I'm waiting for some factbase reply. Never comes from these liberals. Name-calling is all they're capable of.
  14. The New York Times data suggests that the split between mandate and non-mandate counties is far from clean. In fact, nearly two-thirds of the respondents in counties without mandates report either frequently or always wearing masks during early July. Moreover, according to the Times data, many counties without mandates experienced more mask use than others with mandates. This fact, however, is lost when the data is weighted across the Kansas population because heavily populated counties are highly influential in the computation of the associated weighted average. At the very least, the Times data suggest that many people wore masks even in the absence of government mandates to do so.
  15. Come on in the water's great!
  16. https://www.heritage.org/government-regulation/report/statistical-analysis-mandates-and-mask-usage-kansas
  17. Garbage study not much more to say.
  18. Well-run study. I'm sure all 81 counties were a perfect control group.
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