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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. Snow didnt last long. Sleet now.
  2. @WVclimo Leading edge moving in for the next round. Snow for you? Mix?
  3. Thanks. The issue only happens with actual pictures taken with my phone. Posting model images,etc is no problem.
  4. Anybody know a trick on how to post pics. Anytime ive tried it says file to large to post. Im only doing 1 pic at a time so not sure what the problen is
  5. Leading edge of the next batch getting to Cumberland now. Should be here in the next hour. Lets see how long I can hold into snow before seeing pingers. Im thinking Ill see an extended period of sleet up here.
  6. Radar starting to fill in to the west. Hopefully we can get a couple hours of snow from it before the flip. The longer you stay snow the better for me along the MD/PA line. The first batch of snow was definitely underwhelming.
  7. The slightest of dusting here in Smithsburg. Not even enough to completely cover the trashcan lid lol
  8. Icon looks interesting for next weekend
  9. Gfs ticked south a little. Looks decent along mason Dixon line.
  10. OVI has actually become a better all around player over the years. Earlier in his career he didnt like playing any D at all but he's realized what it takes to win in the spring. Youll see him back check and do things on D that he didnt do 10 years ago.
  11. That actually looks like an improvement over the maps you've been posting the last few days lol. I do like that map. Thanks for posting them.
  12. Other than the Nam the trend for 12z has been good so far with the icon and GFS both showing some improvements.
  13. Not sure of the icons track record with temps but gives most of the area over .50 qpf with temps below freezing. Northern and western tier stay in the 20's
  14. Icon is a bit colder too. Has Dc at or below freezing at 00z Sunday
  15. Icon a touch further south with WAA precip.
  16. The nam gives me 1.5" of sleet. That would be rare. Ussually sleet is short lived during the transistion from snow to rain.
  17. Your great at explaining things in a way that everyone can understand. Ive learned alot by reading your posts over the years. I lurked on here for several years but didnt post till a few years ago. Learned alot from you, @Bob Chill and @showmethesnow. And you all have a great sense of humor to go along with the knowledge.
  18. best run of the season lol. All this prior to February haha.
  19. Gfs teasing us alot for the 24 -27 time frame.
  20. Weather.us shows ice on the significant weather parameter for the icon
  21. Maybe its the weekend after the weekend storm.
  22. Just realized on weather.us that it has the icon and it shows ice on the significant weather parameter. I think most everyone knows that on TT it doesn't differentiate between ice and plain rain.
  23. Looks like a couple inches of snow in central md followed by several hours of sleet and freezing.
  24. I think taking a blend of the euro and Gfs is the way to go right now. Both are playing to there bias.( euro to dry and GFS to wet.) I think a middle ground between them would still make for a 1 to 3 " sbow then ice to rain/dryslot. After what the long range was looking like for most of January I would take that in a heartbeat.
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