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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. Lol, its definitely an underrated aspect in selecting a house---flood light coverage for pure weenieism You certainly look to have adequate coverage.
  2. Picnic tables.. 32F now with snow. Upper 30s most of day with rain.
  3. Looks to be ripping pretty good on Stratton Summit cam at the moment.
  4. The ones shafted in the AM in the Eastern time zone would be the people out in Indiana,etc if we dropped DST. They would get sunrise after 9am in DEC. That would be rough
  5. FROPA of yore...half town lost power. Mine went out for about 2 hours this morning, just got back on. Have to say, Green Mountain power normally does a good job of getting power restored quickly, at least in my area.
  6. Sorry, meant DDH is a few miles west from the immediate Western Slopes of Greens, not from me.
  7. Right @powderfreak you cant get much closer to the western slopes than where I am now. DDH is a mile or two away I think.
  8. Just want to keep the NNE thread alive and kicking Winds were intense today-I was chatting with Dendrite a few months ago about anemometers as I want to get one on my roof, haven't picked one up yet, wish I had it today. Solid 8 hours of freight train roars and wind. Had to be in the 50-60mph range in gusts.(Maybe I'm overestimating which I know is easy to due with winds-thats why I need the anemometer)Its just constant hour after hour. It's amazing how much the trees can bend without breaking--must be some acclimation as its windy often here from that direction. Somehow had 1.31" in the gauge even with those downsloping winds, I thought the rain was blown to Syracuse..ha.
  9. Yep, I think this is the first year VT has officially changed it. My wife told me that the other day, I had no clue.
  10. Seemed pretty busy around town with some post Columbus day weekend peepers invading---they are going to be pretty disappointed. Unless they enjoy some Brownish/yellow Beech leaves hanging on.
  11. 3.51" final. Feel like that is kind of maxing out on synoptic precip in the valley. Never lost power here but good amount of outages around here also--lots of limbs and a random tree here or there down, but nothing extreme it seems. No damage that I noticed around me, but winds looked to shift W/NW after midnight which is normally kind of meh here.
  12. Starting to hear that howl through the woods and little window rattle...picked up alot on the past 20-30 mins.
  13. Not hard to pick out the SVT valley downslope screwgie....
  14. Yea, Forky had a nice little troll post in the Foliage thread with 925Mb wind map, but I think the prime foliage areas in NH, VT ME are past peak anyway(I think in ME too?), even way down here we are past peak in the valley. If this storm was 1 week ago, then definitely would have made an impact on Columbus Day weekend peepers. Mostly a dullish brownish-orange-yellow hue looking out my backdoor. Although Genes drone footage still shows lot of green and mix colors in his area.
  15. Betting the house on the over for 24mph max gust here. BTV shows that slim sliver of 40-50 gusts. ALY just didn't seem to get that detailed with it
  16. Just waiting for PF to report the first flakes at 4K...
  17. Sorry man, that's incredible damage. Almost looks like dead crabgrass or something, but that fact that on May 19th it looked that, definitely not--looks like actual turfgrass. Crazy how thick it is in that pic. If it really is grubs, then the turf should pull up like a carpet and you should see ALOT of grubs.
  18. Whoa, either that was an epic disease/ drought etc that wiped it out or their wasnt any "real" grass there to begin with. Mid OCT should be very green. Was that a newly seeded area or more established?
  19. Pretty efficient small droplet rain...interesting to look at the Wundeground estimate and it has my area in SVT at less than .1" While my status is at about .80" so far. Normally its in the ballpark at least, but some weak dbz echos producing some decent totals.
  20. Western slopes of Greens and Eastern slopes of Taconics have really lit up over past few days from my valley view point. Lots of reds and oranges popping out. Saturday is looking nice, so should be a good show for those coming in for the weekend. IMO, already several notches better than last year ever was.
  21. Dropped into 50s here. BWI got to 98F and DCA 97F...lol-glad we not there.
  22. Nice gradient there, I'm at about 1.7" for Sept
  23. Last year was awful, so not hard to beat it. It's interesting how different years can be, 2017 I have pics from Oct 21 with almost high color in spots around here. '15, '16, '17 much better color IMO.
  24. If this is peak, then pretty disappointing season, was up at an event near Stratton yesterday, didnt really wow me. Let's see what happens over next week or so. Been pretty dry here in Sept.
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