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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. I was out working in the yard Sunday and acorns were dive bombing in the woods..nonstop all day. I had layover at BWI yesterday and flying in every lawn looked like Lava's..looked like it hadn't rained in months.
  2. Congrats many on first frost/freeze..some of these spots I would guess already had them. Solid 25F at SLK.
  3. Well, I recall a post or two today about a never ending death ridge...keep those blades sharp Seriously though, if your lawn has more crabgrass than actual grass, then this frost will certainly help with no mowing, frost kills all crabgrass. If your yard is mostly grass, and not weeds, you will be still be mowing.
  4. At this point, I would agree and say scrap the grass idea for that area. Rock gardens, perennials beds, conifers etc. It does look like a pretty big area, so probably a big project.
  5. 35.4F here patchy frost on grass above 1K....pretty heavy frost in lower elevation spots near 650-800ft where there may have been some 32-33F in cold pockets.
  6. Low of 54F and high so far of 61F currently, massive 7F swing. Thick OVC all day.
  7. There are no cocorahs or CO-OPs in Bennington, VT, but I honestly think they had 6-10" for the whole 15-16 winter.(think 10" might be pushing it) Watching radars and webcams for the few events there were, with some bad luck and normal screw jobs I seriously think they had single digits. Even being in a snow hole, they are still at 700-800ft in SVT, so just absurd to be that low. Posted before, but this was xmas morning 2015 here...looks ready for a mow.
  8. Yea agree--seems like it could be a really good season. Been a summer of lots of cool nights and sunny days--at least here in VT. If that continues through Sept, should setup nicely. Last season was lacking IMO compared the previous few years. Aug/Sept dews/rain were a bad combo I guess
  9. I honestly don't know how there isn't one spec of green in there..not even a little weed of anything, or some new grass tillering after recent rains. Your soil test doesn't seem that bad, is it perfect soil, no. But you should be able to grow a decent lawn even with how it is. Low pH and Low Organic Matter, but that wouldn't strictly result in what you are seeing. I did a soil test a few weeks ago, and have some major deficiencies, yet grass is thick and green. If you are going to overseed, do it soon like Gene said. Oct is definitely pretty late for you location for seeding. If your established grass does bounce back, make sure to hit it with few Fall fertilizer apps.
  10. Had 1.18"...nice vegetation soaker. Last year Labor Day was heavy swimming...was Upper 80's almost 90 here.
  11. That's insane man, I was actually thinking of posting in here to see if your lawn rebounded with some rain, lowering sun angle and longer/cooler nights. That looks like mid July in KS/OK/TX after 95-100F for a weeks on end. Not sure even what to say..hopefully it comes around in the next few weeks.
  12. 40 minutes west of ALB got crushed after that early March 2018 storm...looks like 3ft-ish--near Cobbleskill NY...Deform delight I would assume rotted for a bit over this area
  13. ALY mentions CSTAR research all the time in their cold season AFD's
  14. 17-18 was the snowiest winter ever here locally in the valley...I had about 140" and the Cocorahs guy at 1800' near me in Landgrove had about 200". Peru VT COOP was top 5 I think. Past 3 winters solidly above average. Of course 15-16 was all time least snowiest..by a good margin, especially at elevation spots. So some stinkers too.
  15. Savoy has been calling your name for a number of years it seems...even if they are in your Bermuda snow triangle
  16. Elevation rises pretty quickly to 400-500ft+ on the eastern side of Troy too. A little further east of Troy and your somewhat close to the Rensselaer plateau which is sneaky decent upslope spot. I drive through there frequently going to ALB airport for work--You can see some differences in snowpack at times going from Troy(or just east of there) down into Albany. Is it the retention of Tamaracks backyard, no.
  17. So goes life on the western slopes during many winter synoptic setups
  18. Yea, noticed a few 15-20" reports on the eastern slopes in SVT--Readsboro, Londonderry--like you said. Though think RUT had 7" I think when I looked earlier today.
  19. Bennington VT COOP reported 2.06" of rain..ouch. Maybe they had some snow and it wasnt reported?? who knows with some of those old COOP reports/forms.
  20. I remember you posting about that..guess some pathogen in the soil is there waiting for the right conditions to show up. That's a pretty big section taken out.
  21. If the crabgrass plants are really mature, then the post emergent may not totally kill them. May stunt them and discolor, but not totally kill. I guess you will find out in a few days. Is there any grass there? I know its an evil word and don't shoot the messenger-- but probably RoundUp/Glyphosate would have been a better option IF its only crabgrass. You were putting down chemicals anyway. Also, reed the bottle on whatever you already put down, sometimes there is a waiting period on reseeding.
  22. 1-2" locally here in SVT valleys--looks like some 2-3" spots near DDH/Woodford VT. Nothing remotely severe looking at my cam. Another line forming in CNY now.
  23. Some impressive skies 2 nights ago after that line of storms went through. Storms have been totally meh this summer, they seems to fall apart once out of Hudson, Mohawk valley. I dont want severe, just the rain really. Rainbow to the east, purple/orange haze to the west and a little mid slope fog bank. The sky was crazy, reminded of the wildfire skies a bit out in CA in 2003ish when I was out there.
  24. You don't necessarily need to remove it...if you kill it and then scalp it down pretty much low as possible it can make a good seed bed to hold the seed in. If its soooo thick that you need to remove it, then maybe you should. Those crabgrass roots get thick and dense...try to pull one plant out and see how much soil comes up with the roots, it will be a good amount.
  25. How quick do those plugs spread in a season? He is going to need A LOT of plugs to get any type of coverage. I know nothing about Zoysia, but at this point for Lava, I wouldn't eliminate anything. Seems like something low input is needed there.
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