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Everything posted by Fozz

  1. Is it also the kind of setup that would favor an Ash Wednesday 1962 type of storm if it took the right track?
  2. Taken literally, it's snowing in Florida while it's raining in northern Connecticut.
  3. Those of you who received 8-12" last weekend pretty much already have a very good January on the books. And hilariously a lot of the complaining is coming from precisely some of those guys (not you of course).
  4. Me neither. The mood change between yesterday evening and late last night through this morning was way out of proportion to what actually changed on the guidance.
  5. Let's hope all the bickering and panic is a distant memory in a few weeks while we're all getting buried.
  6. I expect whatever is left of my snowpack to be eradicated once this rainstorm is done.
  7. I know I'm late, but I just found out that I'm in a warning. I'm legit surprised that they think a quarter inch of ice is in the cards.
  8. 11/15/2018: 3.3" 1/13/2019: 4.2" 1/17/2019: 1.2" Total: 8.7"
  9. Round 2 was pretty good around here. Ended up with 1.2".
  10. Relax. If we get even a little snow this weekend and then some icy mix that keeps it from being washed away, we could have snow cover for a very long time after that.
  11. Getting the best rates yet. Feels glorious to walk outside.
  12. I don't know how much of this is snow, but it looks like the GFS has a nice surprise for northern MD.
  13. Oh sweet. Sounds just about perfect to fill in all the bare patches showing up.
  14. I just measured 0.4”. I’ll check again tomorrow morning, but I don’t expect a whole lot more.
  15. @Beachin, seriously, just cut it out. We all want snow, but living north of other people doesn't make you better, nor does it mean you'll get more snow every winter.
  16. So you're stooping down to his level now. Congrats!
  17. My understanding has always been that Baffin Bay is just about the perfect spot for a block. Very, very west based.
  18. I wouldn’t read too much into that. It’s only one ensemble mean from one model and it shows that we have many chances. How they turn out, nobody knows.
  19. How the hell is that even possible with such a frigid antecedent airmass? Good thing it's 360 hrs away.
  20. 33 and rain is like 80 and rain. Still wet Not if there's snow on the ground.
  21. Central Maryland is a winter wonderland. Big snowstorms are common, snow usually stays around for a while afterwords, and as a storm gets closer you'll usually see models juicing up the precip totals and turning colder. Ok... I'm lying, but welcome to the mid-Atlantic!
  22. Yeah, every single time I've been on the southern edge, it's jumped north at the last minute and ended up busting. Recent examples are October 2011, early Feb 2014, March 2017, and even the first round in March 2018 (though the second round compensated nicely). So yeah, the UKMET and ICON are a big reach here.
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