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Everything posted by Nibor

  1. Based on how much snow we have now and how much we have left to go I'm betting LGA comes in around 6.5 inches for this event.
  2. The other thing that bothers me is the antithesis to Tom Brady is Eli Manning. Which means the antithesis to metsfan would be Snowman19 and that hurts my Giants fandom brain.
  3. https://battaglia.ddns.net/twc/ Since it was brought up in the main thread, love this little website.
  4. My travel anxieties this holiday season are through the roof.
  5. My flight back to nyc is January 3rd. It’s gonna snow.
  6. I have my limits. Also I’m not fat, I’m a thicc boi.
  7. Hopefully? wtf lol it would be an absolute disaster. You can't be this out of touch...
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