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Everything posted by Nibor

  1. We’d all mourn snowman19 but I wouldn’t call it “mass”
  2. I'm not married and don't have kids but I still think everyone here is crazy, myself included.
  3. GFS and Euro agree on some sort of storm in the timeframe. Similar evolution. Worth watching.
  4. I wish I had the child like imagination of the long range GFS.
  5. Bruh, the KFC is a short range caged up hell fest of factory farming. It is really good at predicting the tropics though.
  6. How dare you. The 3k Romanian was instrumental to the forecast of Jan 2016 and the KFS was second only to the Euro for Boxing Day.
  7. The tin foil hat conspiracy theorist in me pretends to believe he owns a competing weather forum that is devoid of activity so he hops on here sowing anti weenie discourse in the hopes it will drive more activity to his website.
  8. I think they left one behind
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