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About Patrick-02540

  • Birthday 09/27/1975

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Woodbury, CT (940')/Manhattan, NYC (770')/Falmouth, MA (23')

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  1. Just an outstanding day. The perfect % of cloud and blue sky, and temps, breeze, and dews. 74.7 62.2 8mph
  2. If you have central air, get your Merv-13 or higher HVAC filters, if your system can handle air flow through them. They saved me last year from eye-stinging and choking polluted Canadian air last summer.
  3. Yes, many areas have seen a bit more sun than forecast over the last two weeks, but the overall pattern is wetter, cooler, cloudier. The fact we are getting excited over it implicitly suggests we are not seeing "enough" of it. 1 or 2 days of sun every week- or 4-6 hours/day- is not cutting it for me. To be sure, central CT looks pretty good on water vapor right now- we enjoy it for as long as it lasts.
  4. We'll still be taking our vitamin D supplements right into June.
  5. Unsettled unsettled unsettled.. Next 12 days.
  6. Yup. My brothers and I were having a beer a few nights back and we asked the question, "What is the block of 30 consecutive days you prefer over any other in a year." Mine was May 20 to June 20. September is also nice, but it didn't win the contest because of the shorter daylight and soccer mom traffic.
  7. Planes from the northeast heading to the west coast are tracking up over Canada to avoid that massive line of severe weather. Not many gaps to maneuver through it.
  8. Filtered sun here. Moisture to the west drying out. Shocking. If we get this low level crap to scour out, I can deal with an afternoon of cirrus.
  9. I remember reading a social psychology/anthropology article in graduate school about this type of persistent cool, damp, and overcast weather being the driving force for the expansion of the British empire. People can't tolerate this, and it is an impetus for relocation to warmer and drier areas.
  10. Got down to 30.7. I covered a few delicate Floating Cloud Japanese maples, just to be sure. Forecast was 27.
  11. The guy left his mother in the pool during that???
  12. Yes. Had a good one over the past 45 minutes. Calmed down now.
  13. 59.9F .89 today. Gusts to 41 in the last hour. Sustained 18-24.
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