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White Gorilla

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Everything posted by White Gorilla

  1. Anyone remember the last widespread teens reading around these parts before last night? Last March?
  2. Warm and dry, followed by warm and wet followed by cold and dry.... Now it is cold and wet's turn. Kidding aside, pattern evolution should prove interesting to watch over the next month with no clear signal yet if I am correct with mixed forecasts out there.
  3. Nice! Love the first snow, even if little.
  4. Didn't this storm originally look more like a deepening bomb? Seems more like an overrunning event now.
  5. This has been a pattern for years now
  6. Actually now he is saying suppression
  7. Whatever the GGEM is smoking, I want it.
  8. Hasn't the Pacific jet been on steroids more often than not in recent years?
  9. Well, so be it. Let's have an early Spring if that is what nature decides. If no more big snow is in the cards, let's forget this winter and move on. There will be epic winters in the hopefully near future.
  10. I really enjoyed today's sun and mild temps. Looking forward to warmer and brighter days ahead. That being said, I am still rooting for a big snow event for everyone hopefully on a weekend.
  11. Happy you coastal folks are enjoying moderate snow
  12. As I get older, I am experiencing more the benefits of it not snowing (no travel headaches, lower risk of accident and injury, no forced days off and no loss of income, etc). I also can't tolerate cold as much as I used to. I hate temps in the teens and below. Can't stand it anymore now I am in my mid 40s. However, I am still a weenie at heart and if given a blizzard on the weekend with temps in the mid 20s, I will say BRING IT ON!
  13. But if teles are more favorable this time around, let's hope the confluence is stronger than last go
  14. January 1987 was an epic snow month where I lived in Worcester, MA with a record breaking 70 inches at Worcester Airport that month alone. I remember going to school with the biggest snowpack I have ever seen and may ever see. Coastal sections saw a lot of mix and rain events that month and where I lived was in that sweet spot close to the rain/snow line. It was really the only month that I remember throughout the 80s with one snowstorm after another. The next time I experienced that was January-February 1994 in Boston.
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