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White Gorilla

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Everything posted by White Gorilla

  1. Are we going to repeat today's scenario next Tuesday again as well? Next week looks interesting for multiple possibilities.
  2. That sounds similar to the event a couple of weeks ago
  3. I gotta admit, I am loving this anomalous warmth. It feels so good to be outside! That being said, not yet ready for Spring.
  4. Is it just me or are January thaws turning more into February torches these past few years?
  5. Educate me here a little please if you will. With so much emphasis on the MJO, am I correct in assuming that this index is the top driver of our pattern? Is it the MJO phase that determines the shape of other Tele indeces like the NAO, AO, PNA, etc?!
  6. After all this cold, I am going to enjoy the thaw next week before we reload.
  7. March snows don't last on the ground too long, but snowstorms have been very impressive and enjoyable in late February and March. Keep the faith.
  8. Glad you guys on the coast are getting to enjoy SN** with wind and blizzard conditions. Now let's get those rates for 24 hours for everyone here.
  9. It sure looks wintry here in the Mid Hudson Valley and above. The coastal plain is missing out, but they have had their share of snow bonanzas over the past many years while we up here so often got the shafts.
  10. It did end quick, but it sure performed while it could.
  11. Stay safe everyone especially with the ice tomorrow on the ground and extreme cold thereafter. Back end will be moving through giving me a total of 6 inches. We never tainted here with rain.
  12. Solid snowfall here in the Poughkeepsie area. Unfortunately my wife got hit from behind while coming home, creating 4-5 k damage. Thankfully she is ok.. As much as I love snow, I hate the risks of injury and damage it creates
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