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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. Got a nice pic of this hawk this morning, he was about 15 feet off the ground. I started taking a video and he decided to take off, and swooped down over me, so close that I felt the breeze from his wings, lol.
  2. Just about perfect weather for (grass) seeding!
  3. With the additional light rain yesterday, wound up with 1.90" of rain for the event, also the total for September so far. Enjoying the lower temps and the forecast for the next week as well.
  4. Yeah I'm thinking that's rain, not sure how it shows up as snow, maybe an algorithm that says "4 inches? Must be snow!" Although I'm not up there, so who knows. 1.51" here so far, lots of it probably soaked in, much appreciated.
  5. Picked up 0.44" from that pencil thin line last evening, making the August total 3.28". Much nicer outside today!
  6. Just picked up 0.08" from a nice shower, with a rainbow at the end. Total including last night is 0.83", with 2.84" for the month.
  7. Letting up now, 0.70" from that batch. Nice!
  8. Yeah, getting moderate to heavy rain here now, with some occasional cloud lightning. Got 0.25" so far, and it sounds and smells great!
  9. After about an hour of mostly light rain, it's starting to pick up a little here, and just had lightning/thunder off to the SW. Yay rain!
  10. Not a cloud in the sky, lots of stars, and a supermoon to boot. A full house of katydids for audio and temps in the upper 60s - all making for a fine August night!
  11. Got a whole inch of rain here last night, bringing the August total to 1.89" so far. Looking forward to some real nice weather the next few days. Currently 76F, dp 66....getting there.
  12. Had a little sun shower here a little while ago, knocked the temp down to 84F from 89F, currently 86 with dp at 76. REALLY looking forward to cooler temps (and lower humidity) later this week.
  13. Ok that makes sense then - I'm west of Philly and only got to 93F.
  14. Imagine seeing that blob down in Maryland on your doorstep - pretty sizeable:
  15. Probably the blacktop parking lot you put in your back yard.
  16. Hard to tell what we'll get here, lotta morphing going on as the storms approach. Hearing some thunder.
  17. Now that it's August it seems reasonable to look for tropical activity, however there is nada, and nothing for the next 5 days. Two years ago tomorrow we had Isaias, which gave us a boatload of rain (6" here). Then 3 days later we had another 6" here in 40 minutes, in a thunderstorm (a 1000 year rainfall rate according to some). Anyway looking at this map is like watching paint dry.
  18. Received 0.12" of rain last night while no one was looking, including me (around 2:30 am). Brings the August total to 0.39" so far.
  19. Got 0.25" before midnight last night, making the total for July 3.44". Also got 0.27" after midnight to start August.
  20. Now you can just go to Wawa, lol. I got 2 warnings from a Maryland state trooper once, in part as a result of my wife and I picking up some Reese's and a Kit Kat bar at a rest stop. It's a long (but funny) story.
  21. Yeah they've been laying down in the grass spread eagled to get some extra cooling.
  22. Wound up with 0.72" of beautiful rain, over about 20 minutes, so most of it had a chance to be soaked up. Good stuff!
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