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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Just went outside, very surprised... looks like 3” or so
  2. Pcr is positive. Myself and now my whole house has it.... hooray for us
  3. Ma vaccine site crashed, and they have no way to verify who has 2+ Underlying health issues, so it’s basically a free for all. How many healthy 20-30 somethings are going to show up saying they have 2 underlying health conditions to get the shot?
  4. Definitely better through 48, more consolidated
  5. I wouldn’t expect a big shift.. but I think the gfs will be better for round 2 or whatever we are calling it
  6. Icon evolution is interesting... almost fades out tomorrow’s deal and focuses on Friday. If that becomes a trend... still a solid 36 hours to trend the Friday deal more potent
  7. Nothing you can do. We did our best, made it almost a year, it what it is.
  8. There is real upside with that if it breaks right... I mean... not something you see that often.
  9. My wife is on the mend, but no taste or smell at all for nearly a week now. My dad has many heart and lung conditions, but he is faring well so far. Just loss of taste and smell, and my mother a head cold. Pretty unlucky for my mom, she had already had her first dose of the vaccine
  10. So my whole household is now positive... my wife and my parents who live downstairs. I am awaiting my pcr test results, I’m assuming it will be positive, since my sense of taste and smell disappeared today. Ive seen quite a few articles about people’s taste and smell just flat out not coming back. That’s a little alarming to me, what’s the deal with that?
  11. NAM looking like dung isn’t a good start to 00z
  12. With all the issues to be worked out I’d like to think they aren’t doing that at this point.
  13. I hear ya, but on the website it says they reserve the right to garnish wages as well as tax refunds etc etc. We want to file our taxes, but we don’t want them to intercept the return. I’d like to think this won’t happen since it’s in appeal, but who knows. We also are due a sizable refund, so we could use that money now.
  14. No whining from me. I think this could have a surprise or two. Gfs is robust here
  15. I mean this goes without saying, but we need big improvements at 18z and 00z
  16. I feel pretty good of at least a wintery few days here.
  17. It’s been okay here.......nothing special
  18. I guess... but I mean, it’s feb 17th, not April 17th. It’s still winter
  19. 3k is a shredded mess.... everyone loses if that is the evolution. Im kind of surprised you are poo pooing this. With the lack of all snow events in your local this winter, you’d think you’d be welcoming this.
  20. The NAM drops the majority of that 6-10” for the pike south area in like 8 hours... with nuisance snows on either side. Not prolific, but certainly not horrendous.
  21. Nope.... 6-10” pike south... and the majority of that falls in a consolidated span... so this 4” over 36 hours really doesn’t exist.
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