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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. More mudslides in NNE or can we keep this just cold enough for them?
  2. Scooter is definitely close to kicking the dollhouse from the 40 yard line. You can feel it.
  3. Unbelievable stubborn on the warmest solution.
  4. Yeah, I think a lot of it is people are waiting for the other shoe to drop because of how awful it’s been for two years.
  5. I don’t think the gfs and euro are that far apart for this being a 75 or so hour forecast. You could do worse.
  6. Oddly silent for a run that drops 12+ on the majority of folks in SNE. there was more discussion extrapolating the 84 Nam this morning
  7. Curious what your call would be for this area? I’d like to think I’m far enough inland to avoid marine influence.
  8. Hoping NNE can hold on with this next one. They need it bad
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