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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. Actually the admin thing was totally by chance. There is one in every forum, except NYC and West. Used to have one in Philly. We have at least 3 mods in every subforum.
  2. I'm sorry, please don't warn me. I'll move it
  3. out to hour 6 on the GFS...looks like a beatdown/step back/slightly amped and more on the southern end of more north
  4. THAT's what I want to see. I love snow bombs falling. It just looks more badass. The kind where you hear those mofos hitting the ground and trees.
  5. Man, you just described heaven. I'm just a snow nut...yeah, KU would be great, but I'm not a big game hunter. Just give me the above scenario and I'll take it every time.
  6. Still have a feeling it'll bump a little NW before game time. Hopefully not enough to screw @CAPE over. Seriously.
  7. Eh, considering where we started from just 24 hours, I'm quite pleased with the NAM
  8. No doubt she's a good person, but...
  9. Oh man, this is triggering. Everybody who knows me trolls me with her because she makes my head explode. I have thrown things at the TV before.
  10. All imma say is this...we doubted the NAM when it the past storm started to fall apart....and it was right. We believed in the RGEM. I'm inclined to take the NAM seriously. Obviously we're not getting. a foot, but...
  11. Agreed. Was just about to say...it'll probably keep shifting NW...maybe to the point where we get worried, lol
  12. I have some breaking news. Might want to sit down for this one, but
  13. This one is a true model war. Kinda thinking the Euro folds tonight
  14. GFS is not gonna do it again this run. Again, at least we have a storm on the map to track
  15. Who is going to explain about ICON thermals again. I feel like we've discussed it like 500 times and no one listens. And that cutter like track when other guidance is either squashed or a hit (Euro).
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