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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. You're likely gonna be right. But you did mock them for the WSW.
  2. You should ask for a refund. The folks at NWS should have consulted with you first. What's the point of all of that calcus, physics and book learning when they could have just asked you?
  3. See? how hard was that. Now, any upsides?
  4. Well, I gave yall the power and asked and the consensus was to keep it casual. Hey, I learn from my mistakes. Prob won't do that again.
  5. You post it. Hey guys, GFS looking like [insert factual observation here]. Easy.
  6. WSW just issued. Weenie Storm Warning
  7. Unwarranted, sure. But saying it's going to snow, let's enjoy it vs it's still going to snow 2 feet! (When it's not) is not unwarranted optimism.
  8. Here's the issue. I know you and Baltwx or whoever else feel like you are beat on because people don't like bad news. Maybe for a small minority. The problem isn't with saying a model looks bad/worse than the previous run. Nobody should have an issue with that. The problem is saying it 5,000 times 5,000 different ways. The problem is focusing on that and making it your modus operandi. For folks like me, we see a half filled glass and folks like you constantly see a half empty glass. Damn models trended warmer and drier. Disaster! Looks like we'll see all rain. This is terrible, oh me oh my oh. Waaaah. We lost snow, it's over. OR Damn, models trended drier and warmer....but at least we'll see some snow, let's talk about the positives now. Let's find some mitigating circumstances. The positive is.....we're gonna see some snow! I know you genuinely feel like you are just being realistic. And you are. But we already know what drier and or warmer means. You beat that horse until that ****er is glue.
  9. After what I thought at the time was a disastrous opening, WandaVision is briliant. Yup, I ejected about 2 hours ago. Baltimorewx has always been tedious. Today just irritated me more than usual. You know why.
  10. No, just that the snow is a bit longer duration than before. Ice is still very much there
  11. Yeah, Euro is a bit more snowier than most of the other guidance..
  12. I had to leave the thread for tomorrow's storm. The usual suspects have gone into full whine, negative mode, so I'm going to turn my attention to this storm and just enjoy whatever falls tomm. This upcoming system seem kinda interesting. It's relaxing because we already know it won't be 100% snow and is a challenge to forecast. I guess there's a way we could score mostly snow, but kinda unlikely.
  13. Friend sent me the video without disclaimer and I'm still angry with her. I hate shit like that. And what makes the anger even worse is...it was all over some snow.
  14. That's tomorrow at 12z. 6z is gonna shit the bed (that's the one that always does)...then 12z we're all gonna be in here tossing weenies.
  15. I was about to ask where the hell you were. Look, we know you have a priority area to forecast for, and maybe one day Midland will be that priority area, but for now....
  16. high risk just called for a Blizzard yall.
  17. Without seeing temps, it's actually not as bad as the pbp would indicate
  18. Yeah, can't say I like the delay..but whatareyagonnado
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