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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. Yeah, hate to hear/see it. Just gonna have to wait and see here. If it's not snowing by daybreak then we've got a dead ratter here.
  2. 6z NAM has changevoer here and Bmore between 11 and 12z
  3. Imma wait to see if the experts above are right before I pack it in. Other than that and models showing this exact thing happening (rain first), I dunno...maybe we shouldn't be so pessimistic?
  4. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/2021/md0063.html
  5. Models showed this happening, but it still sucks.
  6. Temp drop didn't help...looks like light rain started..hopefully don't waste more than an hour with this. Shame too, nice heavy echo S and SW of me incoming
  7. Pazzo is in downtown hell. It's probably 72 there now.
  8. I get the excitement, but maybe we should wait for backup?
  9. Gonna look out for it. I'm betting that my local guy has it in his store. He's good with this type of stuff. And if not, he'd order it for me.
  10. Sorry to you and baltimorewx. The NAM is improved. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. The RGEM/GFS are sure to disappoint, so all is not lost. Stick around.
  11. You logging out soon? Thanks for your service. You called it. This one is a fail. See you next storm. Drive safely.
  12. Day ain't over yet. If the NAM gets worse, I'm logging off. Not because we are going to get fooked, but because the Negative Nancy's are gonna have a misery fest the likes of which have never been seen.
  13. I was that kick for a long while. Then old fashioneds...then just straight scotch on the rocks
  14. I have some leftover mint, 4 limes, soda water and rum. Time to make the training wheels of cocktails....Mojito!
  15. No. Trust me. I can summarize without the doom scrolling: Models are drier. Surface is kinda torchy (which models showed), but areas to the south reporting quick flip. Model comes in with a 2 mile shift SE and there is wholly exaggerated dooming again. More likely than not we come up short. Basically a normal mid Atlantic storm.
  16. It is what it is. It's not looking good, but certain posters here have singlehandedly brought down the mood of the board. This place is a funeral with people picking the rigor'd meat off the carcass.
  17. Yeah, we have no grass here. What's grass?
  18. Ravensrule, log out of this account NOW.
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